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  • The gutting of the humanities and other things generally written off as "frivolous" kind of terrified me. There's something that feels distinctly wrong about these attempts at destroying and anyone that even might turn an introspective gaze on society itself. Like they don't want anything that might foster self-awareness accessible to the layman.

  • Matthew Dow Smith, whomever the fuck that is, has a sophisticated delusion about what's actually going on and he's incorporated it into his persecution complex. Not impressed.

  • If you think arts and humanities are useless, you probably lack an imagination.

    Like completely.

    I won't say you're useless, because simple minded grunts are needed.

    Humanity wouldn't exist without the arts.

    • Ah yes “the arts”. Definitely the point of humanities, and nothing to do with categorizing the world into “important people” and “simple minded grunts”.

      Humanities students don’t read these days, and it shows.

      • "Art" as a term is so all-encompassing that it's hard to define what is and isn't art.

        I'm sure you can rustle up some very reductive few word definition, but the most popular ones go something like "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination", and that's a very broad definition, wouldn't you agree?

        I'm sure you'd also agree there just are some people who never seem to express or apply any of their creative skill or imagination (and some who genuinely seem to lack any altogether), despite still being productive members or society.

        Not everyone needs to be an artist, a minority of the population will do, but without artists, we would all perish. As those people who don't necessarily express or apply creative skill or imagination, still most certainly enjoy it, and probably couldn't get through their jobs without it. (Repetitive work is just so much easier while listening to music, and I'm sure that's not a controversial statement.)

        So what do humanities students do these days then, according to you, since they "don't read"?

    • I am a writer with two novels in progress and I'm into photography. I consider myself pretty creative.

      Arts and humanities are useless.

  • Some bad course cope right here don't let the philosophy grads see this