Rare spotless baby giraffe born at Tennessee zoo needs a name
Rare spotless baby giraffe born at Tennessee zoo needs a name
Rare spotless baby giraffe born at Tennessee zoo needs a name
Well, Spot would be the obvious name.
So, is this baby spot or spotless?
Giraffe spots are brown. The baby is one bug spot.
Giraffey Mc Giraffeface
he's nakey
Slender Horse.
Knowing the Internet it'll end up being "Spotty McSpot Spot"
The zoo has narrowed down their options to four names, which include:
Kipekee: Unique
Firyali: Unusual or Extraordinary
Shakiri: "She is most beautiful."
Jamella: "One of great beauty."
I choose option 1.
I see they learned from previous “name our new [x]” debacles and provided a list of name options.
Boaty McBoatFace was NOT a debacle. It was a once-in-a-generation opportunity to get kids interested in climate science with programs like "The diary of Boaty McBoatFace" or "Zoom call with a Boaty McBoatScientist" all around the world in classrooms. Hell, even in high school I would've taken an elective that was doing actual work if it was Boaty McBoatFace-themed.
not to say that I'm young enough to have been in high school at the time, but that it would appeal to kids that old
The debacle was that they were too stuck up to realize what a gift they'd been given and completely squandered it. Boaty McBoatFace was beautiful. For a couple days, the internet cared about science in the absence of technology.
All I see is cowardice. Long live Giraffey McGiraffeface!