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Sorry, no more Flying Squid health updates no matter what. Goodbye.

Too many "doctors" have told me that I'm just whining and the Mayo Clinic is just some expensive place for privileged people and the reason I haven't eaten for months is because I don't want to.

This entire time I have said over and over that I didn't want any medical advice. I have said that I only gave updates because people asked me to.

Frankly, I wanted to do one single rant and be done with it.

Now I'm sorry I ever said anything because people would rather harass me over it.

I really didn't expect to be harassed on the day that I finally got some good news about my health. Thanks, Lemmy.

I'll just stick to my normal communities where people don't pretend to be doctors.

Edit: if you actually want to know how I'm doing and do not want to lecture me or tell me your theories or give me treatment suggestions, feel free to send a private message.

  • Mod jumping in. Sorry to have missed the reports, most of us were asleep when they happened.

    Thank you for everyone who reported harassing comments. We are going to have a look now, and probably ban a few people.

    See you around.

  • I was gonna say that hell is the US healthcare system and needing multiple appointments especially when it involves a long drive and trial-and-error. But apparently hell is still other people (on top of the other stuff).

    Either way, good luck. Too bad we aren't to the point where it'd be possible to walk down the street and get some cheap automated help, even if it's just some type of scan that'd streamline things (not that I really trust magic-box AI).

  • Happy to hear you got some good news, it's always hard to see a pillar of the community struggling.

    The whole point of the Rexodus was to find/create a place more friendly and helpful to the average user. Hope you find a tratment path forward that works for you, and keeps you active.

  • I'm new to this saga and I think maybe the comments aren't all loading.

    But the only negativity I can see is the post where the title asked people to let you know if they have had enough of these updates, to be fair.

  • When you update as you go. It is really really tempting to go: "um actually 🤓"

    Sometimes (all the time) internet is like that. Learn from your mistakes and do good.

    I wish you luck and a return to health.