Letters: Readers respond to an article about quitting the rat race, with some saying their generation was handed an untenable position and others saying the struggle is nothing new
I, at 37, am reaching my first professional opportunity to manage a support resource I've needed for 5 years, to maintain the data infrastructure I have built that has cut and dry made my company at least 40 million dollars in the past 2 years, but arguably has also saved the company at least 250k in manpower hours each year.
That resource is an outsourced individual from a firm in India who is making a slave wage.
Best thing I ever did was quit the job I went to school for to sell drugs. I would say my only regret is not starting a business and going to collage 15 years ago.
The amount of sacrifice we make for the places we work for is not fully appreciated.
I paid all my bills this week and only had $500 left over for 2 weeks for a family of 4 lol idk how we will make it without using a credit card since food will cost us more than that. I make a very high salary too. We were comfortable for so long then the prices just got insane. We have cut back a lot too but can't escape this pay check to pay check cycle. I feel trapped now
Millennials are the youngest generation that's left their college years behind, outside of people attending at later points in their lives, so they make the best example in this case.
You could be Gen Z and working a decent job without a degree, or just working a minimum wage job, but discussing the latest generations batch of university graduates struggling to keep up with cost of living makes more of a statement.
Barring the specific mention of Milennials, it’s kind of funny that this is probably the most common headline in history.
Like you can look at Ben Franklins newspaper from 1742 and find essentially the exact same line. I’m guessing if we had enough cuneiform to translate it’d be there too
If you think that by working more hours, your salary would increase overall, you're wrong. Have some basic understanding of game theory, microeconomics and worker solidarity.