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How do you guys grind your coffee?

I just retrofitted my basic hand crank mill with a 10mm nut, and drove it with a drill. It's so much faster now, but I do wonder if there's actual properly motorized versions of what I just did.

  • I'm not sure I prefer the "actual properly motorized versions" over yours - this is absolutely awesome!

  • I used to grind beans at home. But I just don’t care anymore. I just run them through the grinder at Costco.

  • This exactly, except Ibuse a DeWalt. I have found that the brand power tool used has little effect on the taste and extraction, however.

  • I have a pair of Breville/Sage SmartGrinders (which I didn't pay anywhere near list price for).

    One for caff, one for decaff.

    I love them, as once I've dialed in the grind size for a bean, and set the timer per shot to hit the correct weigh, I can just bonk the button with a portafilter, and get a correctly sized dose.

    While I love experimenting with coffee, once the conclusion is reached, I like to nail down the process so I don't need to think about it until the next bean change.

  • I've got a cheap blender. It does the job pretty well, surprisingly. Though I never make a lot of coffee at once