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  • Superpower: catching dropped objects in mid-air, including objects dropped by other people standing near me.

    Unfortunately it's a function of hypervigilance, which is quite hard on my nerves.

    • You are the 3rd person in this post to give this answer - I was going to add this myself, but clearly this is just a regular power.

      I don’t feel special anymore!

  • Creepily excellent memory...although only for things that are pointless or people would really rather I didn't remember.

  • I find that I'm really calm in emergency situations. When someone (including myself) gets hurt, I have a way of being the guardian in the room that stays calm and gets things done.

    I broke my wrist pretty bad at the start of the year, to the point that I had surgery done and now have a metal plate and 7-8 screws. When it happened, I was oddly in fucking zen mode--despite the pain. I called my wife calmly, instructed someone to call an ambulance for me (made sure to specify non-emergency since it was a closed fracture), and made jokes at the hospital and in the ambulance. I was even taking selfies during all of the hospital procedures so that I could document it.

    Outside of that, I'm an anxiety and ADHD-riddled mess that can barely make a decision on what snack to eat, and feels like he's productive at nothing.

    • This sounds like my fiancé. She’s also riddled with anxiety and adhd which actually makes sense. She spends everyday and every moment bouncing around in her head analyzing every little thing and possibility that when something does actually happen she’s ready for it.

  • I can hang things straight without using measurement tools. I just ‘sense’ it is straight. A nice power to have.

  • Very sensitive smell so i can tell somethings burning or notice dangerous smells much quicker then everyone else tho it feels more like a curse cause a lot of smells are overwhelming and makes me sick.

  • I can figure out how most software and mechanical systems work by poking around them.

    • Lemmy guess, reverse engineering is your career?

      • No that sounds more fun than what I do. I help big orgs adapt XR (like vr headsets) to their workflows.

  • I know what time is it pretty much all the time, with tolerance of 5 minutes, usually I'm in tolerance of ~3 minutes or less.

    • I’m like that with elapsed time, also to within about 5 mins.

      Ask me what I did yesterday? No fucking clue.

  • For me, remembering numbers; like ID numbers, part numbers, phone numbers, etc. When I worked as a parts guy at a shop, I would frequently be able to bring up the exact part that fits the customer's machine assuming I had looked it up once or twice before. If it was something I hadn't looked at in a while I'd still usually double check fitment, but I probably had a 99% accuracy on part numbers.

  • Pro: highly adaptable, Con: ADHD, Pro: free medication

    • Also highly adaptable. I’m never concerned with things changing. I just change with it. Also people. I adapt to whomever in with almost immediately and without even thinking about it. Downside of that is sometimes I’m not sure who I actually am. Am I being myself or just the people I’m around.