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Stuff to know about Konala Koala

This is just to let you know some more about myself as I figured this should be here in order to try to limit any further misunderstandings.

Just so you know, I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome years ago and also have OCD. The reason I know that I have it is because of the amount of times I wash my hands and the times I turn around and go back to the mailbox to check to make sure I didn’t forget any mail in it and I had closed the mailbox after checking and getting the mail, and go back to make sure I put the flag up after putting something in the mailbox to be mailed off.

I recently noticed I have been some understandings and possible disrespectful responses to me, perhaps due to how I word things while I'm also dealing with frustration while being tired due to some situation that is keeping me up later than I wanted to be. This time, it is stemmed from an incident that happened on Reddit where a topic of mine had been deleted by a mod. Due to them not having a Modlog that is accessible by non-mods like Lemmy, I really had no idea what happened or what their reasoning behind the deletion was to avoid me becoming frustrated and not thinking clearly. On top of that, I just looked on Reddit for something of mine I felt that I needed to save and use here instead, and noticed they have been down voting a few of my other posts on there for no valid reason.

Since I wasn't able to find another koala community to switch to on Reddit and Lemmy doesn't appear to have one, and that I have a love for koalas as well as concerns I have about what is happening to them in Australia, I had decided to go ahead and create this community to provide a place for discussions about that here. It is also the reason I created Konala Koala as a character of mine and my handle here, though it started further back when I originally decided to put a koala costume on my Reddit avatar.

Below is an image I have of what Konala Koala looks like, which was created by using a clipart I had gotten and making changes to it.


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