Don't give Elon more money.
Don't give Elon more money.
Don't give Elon more money.
Honestly I think they look pretty good.
But Elon is a fuck. And their build quality is shit. And I refuse to support that kind of company. And fuck people who do support them.
Idk, I talked with a bartender once who said he thought it would be amazing to drive one, and I said I didn't think I could stomach it because of Musk, and he said I shouldn't get political over a car. Well, they don't interest me enough to ignore the Elon part.
I rented one in California. I was never been so frustrated with a car before in my life. There are no knobs, for ANYTHING. Everything is done through the touchscreen. Try navigating the A/C system in traffic. Or as the sun goes down and the screen brightness doesn't dim, blinding you as you drive. I will never buy a Tesla, and it starts with the UI of the car. Elon is just the icing on that shit cake.
Honestly I think they look pretty good.
They used to, but they haven't updated them, so now they look dated
I'm not a car guy, I just don't pay close attention. I drove a delivery van when the Tesla cars were gaining popularity, and I straight up had the thought one day how weird it was that there were a lot of '90s Ford Taurus sedans still on the road.
I won't go so far to say they're timeless, obviously, but I think the design has holding power. Their design language isn't especially bold but it's not out of place compared to newly released models from competitors. It's disappointing that they haven't made any bold changes, but I don't think that means they're dated.
But still, fuck em.
Yeah, Kias look fancier now.
To me they are the iPhone of cars. In a vacuum they are not bad looking, but every single one looks exactly the same. Just basic.
To me that's kind of just the design language. Like how all BMWs look similar, or all Mazda's look similar. Etc. Typically a strong recognizable brand is considered good, even in the auto industry.
And really idgaf if they all look the same. Model s, smaller model s (3), bigass model s(x), medium size Model s(y). That's fine. I don't need a single brand to offer everything, I can go to other brands for variety.
That said, fuck Tesla.
Honestly, why? Their "no harsh edges, flowing contours" looked good in 2010 but is now completely played out and ugly. Coupled with the fact that no Tesla has had a facelift in nearly a decade, I think they're the ugliest cars on the road rn.
the cabin height being a giant bubble is what i dislike. they pretend to be smaller cars than they are. a small tesla next to a normal crossover vehicle is a good way to remind yourself how big they actually are.
One man's "all look similar" is another man's "strong design language". I think BMW kidney grills are played out 30 years ago, but some people love them. Lambo wedges are played out. Jeep boxes are played out. Etc.
I personally like the no-harsh-edges look. I don't think it'd look especially out of place if it was released this year.
But don't get me started on the interior.
I think they peaked at the 1st gen Model S (love the red), and it went downhill from there
The S model is classy, I like it. All the others are awful.
No kidding. They build disposable cars, and the entire electric car industry is headed in this direction.
I just feel bad for people who went in during Elon's "good" years (heavy quotations). He's nothing but a glorified car salesman and a verified idiot now, but for a while there, some people just wanted a more sustainable car.
Yeah it was legitimately the only viable EV when I got one. I still love the car but am absolutely embarrassed by it because of that asshole.
Yes I agree. It's unfortunate he decided to become the face and wallet of the right.
I hate Elon musk but Tesla is the best thing that happened to this planet because no other car manufacturer was bothered to do the groundwork required to get electric cars going. They lie and spread corruption before Elon came along.
A) society is not planned by a god that sees the most optimal path and picks it, it works like evolution tweaking and building and slightly shifting what came before it. Do you have a viable plan for convincing 7 billion people to give up their cars without literal revolution in the streets? No? Then guess, what, cars might be part of the future.
B) from a basic ablist standpoint how are you going to get a frail 90 year old woman from the train station or her house without using a car? On a special bike with extra suspension and an enclosed carriage and a motor to haul all of that? Oh look you've designed a Pontiac Aztec!
Should we all use trains? Yes. Should we all support the government buildout of more trains? Very yes. But it is flat out dogmatic to the point of absurdity to suggest that the future of transportation will not involve electric cars? Absolutely.
We are not to the point of climate change where we can expect rapid, radical changes to the way the majority of Americans live. And when we hit that point, it won't be made by complaining to the people driving cars, it will be made by politicians abolishing zoning laws, setting stronger restrictions on rent within cities, and heavy investment into public transportation.
Blaming the huge number of people who can't afford to live in a city and must drive an hour each way for work just makes you an asshole.
The best thing that happened transportation-wise is walkable cities. No car will beat that.
It's actually a very pretty car, to be fair. Too bad it has the build quality of this spice rack
I mean it's ok... It's not ugly, but I personally wouldn't call it pretty.
I thought it was pretty when it was novel, but it's been around long enough now that it just kind of blends in. I think it's still a nice clean design, but not really eye catching anymore.
Pretty if you like flames, terrible if you worry about the environment, torn if you are both ;-;
Also stop driving in the bus lane. If you actually gave a shit about the environment you would be on said bus, not a brand new three tonne luxury car.
Actually, even when charged from coal-powered stations, EVs are generally less environmentally damaging than gasoline cars. Studies show that BEVs have lower life-cycle emissions than ICEVs in most regions. Over their lifetime, EVs generate millions of grams less carbon than gasoline cars. While the benefits of EVs are smaller in countries with coal-intensive electricity, they can still have similar or lower lifetime emissions compared to efficient conventional vehicles like hybrids. As countries move towards cleaner energy, EVs will only get greener. So, even with coal power, EVs are still a better choice for the environment.
Until, ya know , it burns petrol......
Such a specific and bad take.
If the bus is absent then it's free to me
I gotta give it to them.
The first two cars looked nice and they were the first to understand what makes an electric car good.
But they fucking lost that too by removing everything from the dashboard and moving to a single screen in the middle. Their build quality is shit (Even Trabants had smaller panel gaps holy shit) Repair costs for simple fixes are out of this world (There was a video where a technician repaced a hose for the cooling system for 130$ where Tesla wanted to replace the whole battery for 20000$) Elon is a nutjob that keeps breaking promises.
I resemble this...sort of. Except my car is already paid for and I really don't think it's a wise decision to just blow money on another car simply to get out of a current vehicle that more than meets my needs.
Yeah,like if tomorrow everyone found out the CEO of Ford was a pedo, I promise you the supply of used F150's wouldn't suddenly skyrocket.
Hey paid for is paid for.
Not anymore.
Paid for is just the ability to use said thing for another month.
Fuck literally every gasoline car driver on the road more than you. I don't own and hope to never own a car and Elon Musk can suck a fat fucking chode but a Tesla is still more respectable than every fossil fuel guzzling, planet destroying gasoline vehicle of comparable price
why would you sign up to pay elon every time you want to charge your car? like bro cut your loss already theres a reason the dudes the richest person in the world
he's already fucking owners who need warranty/fixes
and the way he's dropping his MSRP the resale value are gonna be tanking cant wait when he decides he "needs" to charge more for electricity now that the price is so cheap and the resale is gonna tank even more
I'm guessing Tesla owners can and do charge at home. I have a Leaf, and I've only used public chargers a few times. Under 100k miles cost of repairs shouldn't be much of an issue.
I think you forgot that the alternative is to support a different douche-ey billionaire and subscribe yourself to 5x more expensive climate killing big oil?
I charge at home for $0.058/kWh. The company that provides it is also local and it does create local jobs.
Do you even know how EV charging works? Do you go to the Apple Store or Android store to charge your phone?
Fuck Elon, but dammit, Tesla cars look sleek, this guy is wrong.
And Superchargers >>>> Every other charger as of right now.
They look old compared to other new cars, i've seen enough of that design.
The Tesla Y gotta be one of the ugliest cars from behind that i know, it does look like a Model 3 just out of proportion.
Polestars look better imo
Polestar 2 has only 1 cupholder and is cramped. I don't get who would buy a Polestar over a Model 3 after test driving both.
valid, but i kinda want a place for my arm to rest while driving
Eh, they look very dated these days. They appeared somewhat sleek around 2012 or so.
Elon frustrated me cause he gets his grubby hands into way too much cool stuff
Like bitch tesla and spacex were cool untill Elon got a Twitter account and wouldn't shut up exposing how shit he is
I honestly really thought he was going to be an amazing person for humanity for like.. a minute there. That's a big part of my frustration. He's in such an amazing position to do astounding things and he just sits around like a bully asking for attention instead of lunch money
This is classic cognitive disonnance. If they liked the person who made the car, I’m almost certain their mind would be different. This phenomena is particularly obvious whenever you see something that was once popular fall from grace. See the conversation around Justin Roiland or even Reddit before and after their respective controversies. You start to see the people say things to the tune of “blank was never good anyway.”
That is NOT cognitive dissonance, but motivated thinking.
That's what I thought. Cognitive dissonance is holding conflicting ideas/positions/beliefs. This can be a purely mental, for example someone believing that evolution isn't real because of their religion while simultaneously knowing that we have a common ancestor with chimps. It can also have a mixture of behaviors, like knowing that smoking is bad but doing it anyway or knowing you need to study/work but procrastinating anyway.
Where is the conflicting idea here? I think that telsa's are ugly. Now that could certainly be an emotion-loaded motivational bias which has changed my perception of the cars (motivated thinking). But fuck it, yeah I do motivated thinking just like everyone else. Just because you disagree doesn't mean that I have cognitive dissonance.
And your car steals all your personal information because it is part of a massive data mining operation.
So are SUVs from BMW, Porsche or Audi. But heh I live in Europe, I guess the trucks in the US are way worse.
Aren't you guys seeing a surge in SUVs and similar kind of "useful" vehicles?
Almost everyone I know with an SUV only has one because “I might need the space someday!” And 99% of the time either leaves random shit in the back or it’s just empty.
Same things with trucks. That bed is almost always vacant.
But the one time they actually use it for the space, it’s suddenly all “see??? I sure am glad I bought a (blank)!”
There are a few exceptions I know, but if the ratio is anything consistent across America, it would explain a lot.
Meanwhile my friend who drives a Prius can fit a surprising amount of stuff in that hatch and still has better acceleration and gas mileage than any of them…
I love Teslas though, has anyone in here actually ridden in one? The acceleration is absolutely insane. It feels like one of those roller coasters that launch you without a hill. If you test drive one and can even remotely afford buying it you'll definitely think about it for a while.
I'm no Elon fanboy, he's fucked up Twitter but credit where it's due
I've gotten a few Teslas as Ubers; the back seats are godawful.
That’s pretty much every sporty electric car though
I tried a few EVs, I've tried non Tesla charging stations. I drive a model 3 and I cannot stress how awful the experience of driving an EV (or even ICE cars) is shitty when comparing to a Tesla. I really can't see myself buying something else for the moment. The whole driving, charging, entertainment experience is a complete bliss compared to other cars.
So you keep accelerating? There is more to pleasure driving than going from 0-60 in 3 secs. I would even argue that’s not even enjoyable
[...] credit where it's due
yeah, well, i don't think musk deserves a lot of credit here. i don't think he had an awful lot to do with the design and engineering...
Have driven one and been driven in one. Shit experience. Felt like a dumbed down car that was uncomfortable. It has a nice display in the middle, but that's it. The upholstery felt like it was done by some cheap shop that didn't give a crap. It definitely didn't feel like "luxury" or even your preconceived notion of what is comfortable.
it is not luxury. i don't know where this comes from...? it's all the cheap stuff, but it works and is fun to drive.
That's how they sell cars. Yeah they aren't good, they have no quality control and they are ugly. But when the battery is full it goes really fast.
I mean yeah, they sell them by showing off what's good about them. And if you think they're ugly you won't buy one anyways but clearly a lot of people like how they look
Yeah and they have no top end
Image Transcription:
Post by user bophia: Daily affirmations for tesla owners: your car is ugly as hell and everyone hates you
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Damn, what a funny meme.
Im 🤣🤣🤣 and 🫄
The fact that they put the emergency release for the rear doors inside the speaker grille is enough for me to never buy one
... and when you tweet or x (or whatever it's called now) sh*t about elon your car drives away
lego car
I mean Lego bricks actually fit into each other without gaps
Cool meme bro.
Haha, my Tesla is awesome. Drive one.
Agreed. Love my Y but fuck Elon Musk.
I drove a Y for about 700 km this summer. It was OK.
I enjoyed driving an Audi E-tron much more. And my BMW i3 is a masterpiece as a daily city driver.
This. I've actually had people come up to me and go hurr durr fuck your Tesla. I usually ask them who the CEO of their car make is and they never know.
The group think is horrifying
Somebody who isn't a giant asshat loudly trying to manipulate the populace's political opinions.
Otherwise they would know. Being famous isn't always a good thing.
Now if you asked who were the lead engineers/designers for said vehicles it would mean more about the vehicle itself (but most everyone wouldn't have looked them up or found their names)
His fans went from worshiping him and buying his cars to now selling their Tesla's, ditching Twitix, and wanting to narc on Elon lol. Just amazing, how his luck, of his own doing, changed. However, he did get up there right? Where else is he going to go but down. I wonder who is the next person to replace until they get X'ed.
Setting them up and burning them down. Someday, it's your turn.
Still waiting for my turn with billions burning a hole in my pocket.
What's the better alternative?
Any other car?
Not a car
Like every other electric car!
the ones that use about twice as much electricity? or the ones that are way heavier because they use a bigger battery to compensate for the higher usage? say what you will, but tesla are pretty efficient
Plenty of other car companies have EVs now. Hell, when they enter the used market, I may pick up an EV F150.
I was downtown last night and a Teslord pulled through a light late when there wasn't space, blocking the crosswalk.
I yelled "fuck your Tesla!" at them and got more support from the people around me than I expected.
And then all the people cheered and raised me aloft on their shoulders and made me their king. Which was nice.
Nah. I'm way too heavy for that.
that's a move no driver of another car brand is capable of, and if it would have been a bmw the crowd probably had started yelling at you.
Amen. Fuck Tesla owners for doing something decent for the environment.
I often legitimately wonder what the planned obsolescence for Tesla cars are? How much oil went into the manufacturing and transportation of materials for the creation of Tesla cars? Additionallly, how much oil is saved by repairing an old car with good gas mileage?
This is all not to mention the many cyclists/pedestrians who in their sheer choice of mode of transportation contribute far less emissions than the Tesla driver.
As battery tech evolves EVs will become much better and cheaper for battery replacement, extending their life. a company recently reported double battery density, which will first hit aero space and outer space tech, then laptop/phonr then cars. it will be a while, but progress is happening. A loy less oil went into Tesla autobody than regular car. think of all the castiron and aluminum, plastics and other comoponents in an ICE system, which aren't used in tesla. and how much manf and transport required for it
Do the sums for a petrol car and then do the for any EV. Spoilers EV is always lower. And a EV only gets cleaner but an Ice still burns oil in some fashion for the rest of its life and burns it worse. I swear Americans are quite possibly the worst and most tribalistic people on lemmy
EVs are the biggest load of green wash ever and on par with 'clean coal'. They still use roads and carparks which are environmental waste lands, they also need power to run and their manufacturing and distribution process is definitely not environmentally friendly.
Not to mention that their CEO actively campaigned against public transport in a bid to sell more cars...
I really hate Elon but Teslas are great cars. I drive one (purchased prior to Elon losing his damn mind publically) and I can't picture myself driving anything else unless Apple makes a car. It's like going from a flip phone to a modern phone. There's competition out there now for sure, thank god - but compare the user interface and charging network, not to mention their other products like power walls, and it's night and day.
There are rumors of Elon getting ousted from Tesla and I would love to see that happen because there's obviously an Elon-fan-by-association thing going on and that really sucks.
Really? I've seen comments that they're terrible. Why are they great? And Lordt I hope he gets the boots put to him.
in this thread weird nerds/bots/tsla pr marketing department gonna risk it all for elon
you know tesla does not have a pr department anymore? beepboop
why would you sign up to pay elon every time you want to charge your car? like bro cut your loss already theres a reason the dudes the richest person in the world he’s already fucking owners who need warranty/fixes
and the way he’s dropping his MSRP the resale value are gonna be tanking cant wait when he decides he “needs” to charge more for electricity now that the price is so cheap and the resale is gonna tank even more
You can charge your Tesla anywhere, and charge other EVs at Tesla. Works both ways. So raising prices wouldn't really work.
He's going to go the apple/samsung route. Planned obselesence.
For me the worst part about Tesla's (and other electric cars in general) is when you're driving behind one and they have the regenerative breaking set to maximum. When they release the gas and start coasting, they decelerate a lot quicker than I do when I start coasting behind them which forces me to brake constantly.
maybe just keep a bit of distance and don't climb in their trunk? that also applies to non-EVs driving in front of you.
Even when I keep my distance, it's happened to me plenty of times that I gotta press the brakes after the EV in front of me coasts for a while when I do the same. Non-EV's don't have the same issue since they coast down at the same speed as me. Not cool to assume that everyone drives like a Dodge RAM owner.
That's really a driver problem not a car problem. You'd see the same behavior with a manual car in front too. I've got a Y and it's the easiest thing in the world to keep a set distance with the guy in front.
They're not talking about that. The issue is that with the aggressive regen braking, those cars decelerate very quickly, way more quickly than an ICE would with engine breaking. The lack of brake lights therefore means lots of drivers are caught off guard when a Tesla starts coasting before them, which sometimes almost feels like they're on their brakes.
The Elon hate is super cringe.
Like every other CEO is a great guy. Yea go buy off a car company that has done everything in their power to keep you using fossil fuels and everything possible to sell you the biggest shitties car with the most expensive features. Much better idea.
I think the problem is he's a giant douchenozzle ruining free speech and the cars are very poorly designed compared to many other EVs.
Elon defenders are super cringe. This guy goes above and beyond to show that he's a douche that cares for no one but himself. He deserves to be call be called out. Of course, he doesn't care but you should.
Also, wonder how the electricity for your tesla is generated? Fossil fuels mostly.
One of those spinny things on a stick outside or by that orange ball in the sky.
I don't think he was defending Elon. I think he's saying that pretty much all CEO's are just as bad. They're just not public figures so few people know.
These bad vehicles just ooze rottenness from every bad part... Simply bad beyond all infinite dimensions of possible badness.
Well, maybe they're not that bad, but Lord, they're not good.