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In 15 hours I barged into a barn where two monsters were having sex, accidentally became worshiped by fish people and lost my eye to an amateur surgeon.

This sounds like somebody's Saturday RPG session recap. Larian have managed to capture the spirit of this quite well!

What are some fun (non-spoilery) moments you've experienced?

  • I somehow completely missed the fish people! I’ll have to look for them on my next replay.

    • They're pretty easy to miss. The entrance to their area was pretty tucked away.

      • I also missed the quests you can get from the burning town (the game bugged so the people you help open the burning door didn’t spawn in, and I didn’t find out what was supposed to happen until many, many hours of gameplay later), so I’m already planning a replay for that, because I know now that it affects Wyll’s quest. Looking all over for the fish people is one more thing to do.