Sunset: Gruvbox, but golden
Sunset: Gruvbox, but golden
- OS: EndeavourOS
- DE: KDE Plasma
- Plasma Theme: Stone with modified color pallete which you can find in my dotfiles.
- Icons: GruvboxPlus
- GTK Theme: Gruvbox
- Terminal: WezTerm
- Shell: ZSH
- Terminal Multiplexer: Tmux
- Tmux Statusline: My Gruvbox fork
- Prompt: Powerlevel10k
- Editor: Neovim with NvChad
- Browser: Vivaldi
- Vivaldi theme: Sunset (created by me, including my background image with Gruvbox stripes with Vivaldi's logo)
- Spotify customization: Spicetify with Comfy theme, Sunset variant
- Discord Customization: BetterDiscord with Spectra theme
- Wallpaper: My own (The joke isn't mine, I just made the wallpaper)