You can only choose one
You can only choose one
Sasha Grey or Stoya
You can only choose one
Sasha Grey or Stoya
Based on this picture alone? Sasha. But based on everything I know, Stoya edges ahead
Wonderful double entendre.
Sasha is amazing but Stoya is the goddess of the universe
Thank you! So many people going Sasha I was questioning my sanity
Of course Sasha. She is just a cool chick allround.
Very tough choice.
For me it's Stoya
Stoya is a queen but Sasha is the Empress
Seems like a hard choice at first, but has to be Sasha.
Sasha, but I'll never forgive her for what she did to my boy Vinny Chase.
kind of out of the loop on that one, what happened?
In a show called Entourage, the main character, Vincent Chase falls in love with her. She decides to test his love by going back into porn. He can't handle it and goes on a drug induced bender. Almost ruins his young movie career.
Entourage is a great show about living in Hollywood and one stars successes and failures. HBO series.
this is a truly impossible choice. there is no wrong answer but also no right answer.
You are missing out one way or the other but I try not to think like that