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  • People don't choose, people use whatever most people around them use. Whatsapp and telegram are both centralized, and shouldn't be trusted because, by the nature of it, they can (and eventually will) turn user-hostile.

    Messengers come and go, if we really want to make some progress in this area, we should embrace federated and p2p protocols as the logical evolution. Anything else is just wasting time and user privacy.

    • Matrix protocol messengers amiright?

      • I'd rather push for XMPP personally, the matrix protocol has been a dumpster fire in an "almost ready, trust me bro" state for as long as it has existed, and failed to justify its own weight and complexity. But that's mostly irrelevant since they are open protocols and can somewhat bridge with one another.

  • The perceived usefulness of a network, platform, or communication protocol increases with its relative adoption. That's known as "network effect", and network effect is at strongest for anything regarding direct communication - such as messaging platforms.

    In other words: WhatsApp is used by lots of people, and this discourages people to migrate over better alternatives, like Signal (my choice) or Telegram (OP's).

  • In my circles, it became popular during the pandemic and a number 1 source of misinformation, with an unnerving amount of obvious links to Russian propaganda- covid related, yes.

    So after seeing the extreme antivaxxers join the telegram train, and seeing how gullible acquaintances got "tips" from their telegram groups, I just couldn't take the app seriously. I understand logically maybe the app itself is better than WhatsApp, I understand this may be just my personal experience and that there was just as much trash on WhatsApp. But having my sane contacts using WhatsApp already and my family on Signal, I never saw the need to switch.

  • Because latin americans are way too brainwashed to use it. (source: i can't get any of my friends or family to use telegram)

  • The quality and superiority of those apps can be ranked without even going into technical/privacy details.




    every emoji looks much better in signal, except the screaming one, there WhatsApp does it best.

    ... and the ones from Telegram are just ugly throughout.

    • Using an emoji lineup to pick what service is superior is the most pantshittingly stupid reasoning i have ever seen. Jesus fucking christ.

      • It's a messaging app where you message other people, including close family and friends. Emojis are one of the most used features. If the emojis look trash compared to the competition, that's one more barrier to entry for the average user. Me and you most probably don't care about that at all and prioritise other features way above emojis, but for other users it matters a ton.

      • Consider going back to reddit, I'm sure they miss your profound insights and friendly nature over there 🙄