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What do you miss from the old internet?

i think we need Cracked-style articles back. desperately. or like, a guy doing a weird thing and writing a piece on it. sites like those are declining faster than the glaciers.

  • I miss the simplicity and the focus on the information due to the technical limitations.

    Websites just had the information, well presented. None of that blog spam with a massive story on how error code -21 could suck and seriously impact your business and that you should hire professionals. But anyway here's a command copied from a 10 year old StackOverflow answer that hasn't worked for 5 years and isn't actually related to what you were Googling at all, but now you've viewed 3 advert videos, scrolled through 10 sponsored ads and closed 2 popups. Here's the next article on error -22.

    Also, downloads were "here's the link to it on our FTP server", none of that guess which download button is the real one, waiting 30 seconds for the download to prepare and having to sign up for faster download speeds.

    • Unless you're talking even earlier, I did a lot of guessing at which download button was real and downloading pirated games in many parts from shitty download services that only let you download one part per hour and such. In the late 2000s when I was old enough to really use the internet

    • You mean you didn't accept the invitation to the porn chat on MEGA?

  • There's a certain scrappyness that has been lost. I think back to SomethingAwful, Newgrounds, that sort of stuff where people just made things, didn't matter if they couldn't draw, some of the best things were stick figure animations. Even on Youtube now people are doing ad reads to camera like a 1950's talk show host.

    I also miss the sort of folk mythologies that emerged from what I like to call the Contextless Era. The Napster/Limewire explosion pre-iTunes led to a lot of things being shared with no context except for chronically incorrect file names. Which is why at least one person who reads this sentence still thinks System Of A Down wrote a song about the Legend of Zelda.

    I kinda miss the PC first internet. Just in general. I miss instant messenger clients. MSN, AIM and Yahoo! Facebook fucked it up. As Tom Scott once said, those style of messengers had the benefit of requiring users to log in, which meant being online was a signal you weren't busy.

  • The creativity and willingness to share.

    Anyone could make a crappy site.

    Anyone could fire up some phpBB.

    People created a lot of stuff that mainstream commercial developers weren’t willing to invest time in. Think windows power toys, mp3 players or converters, game mods, all the little things that filled the gaps in mainstream OS and other software. Add the free stuff that people made like Blender or other specialized software that did what commercial software did but for free.

    Flash games.

    Linux distros.

    Hobbies and how-tos.

    There was so much stuff. Now it’s all mostly locked down under DRM or whatever.

  • We had rules that we pretty much all agreed on because we knew things would go badly if we didn't.

    • Don't feed the trolls
    • Don't talk about internet memes in real life
    • Stay anonymous, there's a bunch of freaks on the internet! Also, you're one of them.
    • On the internet no one knows if you're a dog

    There was a whole self-deprecating nature to it. We knew posting on the internet wasn't really a positive activity. It was just a guilty pleasure. We knew it was all nonsense and nothing posted on the internet should be taken seriously.

    I remember when it first started cropping up where people were saying internet meme type things in public. Someone said "The internet is leaking, this won't end well."

    Didn't realize how prophetic this was. Now not only do people feed the trolls, the trolls get paid really well through monetization. People have T-shirts with dumb internet memes, and awkwardly say them out loud thinking it's cool. It's so cringey.

    People shitpost under their own name and get super upset about being "cancelled". Maybe you shoulda done that anonymously, dumbass?

    Identity is the most important thing to people on the internet now. Your identity matters more than your ideas now. It was better when we assumed everyone was a dog mashing on a keyboard and you had to explain out your ideas rather than ending discussion with sentiments around "you just can't understand my experiences" rather than making an effort to explain them so others can understand.

    When it went from "we're all losers trying to explain things to each other as best we can" to "we're all wannabe celebrities that don't have time to explain anything to the losers who aren't good enough to understand our experiences" it all went to shit.

    • Identity is the most important thing to people on the internet now

      which is honestly and deeply confusing. because on the internet no one knows you're a dog! (oh. you got back to that two sentences later)

      i just don't go in for identity. at all. no one knows i'm a dog, and i like it that way.

      • Don't get me wrong, identity is important. Even on the internet it can make sense in certain contexts like if you have a community for people of that group. There's a time and a place for that.

        But in most contexts it's really unimportant in internet conversations.

        But with the rise in social media it's become the most important thing on the internet to the point where people can't express ideas or accept an idea without it being connected to a person's identity. Back in the day when everyone was pseudo-anonymous there was a death of the author kind of thing on everything so it was 100% about ideas and 0% about identity.

  • The creativity people were willing to share. Forums, DIY guides, blogs, neat yet crappy animations on Youtube. It's all kind of still there, but it's hard to find with how the internet is today.

    It was full of passionate people who made things because they enjoyed it. Now, it's either how-to sites written by bots/keyboard monkeys, or you're fast-tracked to the #1 video. You have to really go looking for the human now.

  • Humans. It is difficult to find stuff online that is the genuine work of a human.

    Even when something is written by a human half the time now it's wierd algorithmically driven clickbait or internet points driven in "jokes" and so on.

    I just miss people and their interests.

  • When ads were smaller, unintrusive, only occasionally animated.

    When pop-ups were the worst thing because little scrolling banners and side bars of ads were the normal way that sites paid their bills.

  • Old internet lacked the following, which made it better:

    • Scrolling shenanigans (fixed scrolling points, pointless animation and content position that changes with scrolling)
    • Navigating pages that doesn't create a history for you to easily back-forward them
    • Everything can be easily monetized
    • Using javascript for page layout that could be done with plain html
    • The worst kind of intrusive ads, notifications and cookies
    • Everything looks samey and "professional"
    • Centralization
    • Surgically precise SEO

    Content wise, I think points 3, 6 and 7 are the main reasons why we "don't have as much interesting content". Too much focus on looking professional, on being marketable, on being profitable. 7, centralization, is how facebook, reddit and others pretty much killed several smaller forums

    I love that exists, you can make your own website and have a domain there for free, much like the old days of geocities. The problem is that your content won't be found unless you advertise it elsewhere.

    In a way, I suspect the centralized corporate internet is much like the difference between humans living in several, sparsely populated villages, where things and people feel more "connected", vs living in large urban sprawls, where you're surrounded by people and stuff, but hardly interact or care about most of it.

    • Too much focus on looking professional, on being marketable, on being profitable.

      So you don't like SEO...

      your content won't be found unless you advertise it elsewhere.

      So you actually don't care about SEO, but want better content?

      I don't hear anything about you creating content. The issue is, content creators make more money with SEO and monetization. That's why they do it. If you don't pay, they don't care what you want.

      Don't you remember that most Geocities sites sucked and were hard to navigate? Every other page said "under construction". You are currently on a network that has much better content and interaction than those sites.

      Post more if you want more content.

      • I don’t hear anything about you creating content.

        Oh look, it's the "you can't complain about X if you don't do X" fallacy! It's a cheap ad hominem, if I'm not mistaken. I have created and freely shared a number of 3D files for printing under a different handle, which you may argue isn't "content", I have also answered several questions on AskGodot, again on a different handle, before the site overhaul. I could go on, but that's beside the point, because your phrase is just an attempt in bad faith to derail the discussion and shut down my voice because I "don't count", because I "don't create content".

        content creators make more money with SEO and monetization

        Which, allow me to point again to one of my complaints about the current internet: Everything can be easily monetized. The easier it is to get money creating "content", the more it becomes a flood race for the money.

        You are currently on a network that has much better content and interaction than those sites.

        True to a certain extent. The interaction on some of the current sites feel like a checklist of dark patterns. I also have to wade through a continually growing swamp of auto-generated shit, whether AI or not, to find good stuff. Such prevalence of low quality content decreases the likelihood of me even wanting to get out of my "comfort bubble" of known places and creators.

        Post more if you want more content.

        This makes no sense.

  • I miss the appreciation that was shown to developers and content creators not so long ago. I just get the impression that people take everything for granted these days, even when it comes to extraordinary things that are created by just a few people without the support of multi-million dollar companies. Maybe that's just a misperception on my part. But anyway: Support Lemmy, FOSS and all those awesome content creators!

  • The golden age of webcomics was at the same time as the golden age for individual fan forums. I made a lot a friends that I still have and even met my wife on some of those forums.

  • My crush coming online. Miss you, •..••´¯``•.¸¸.•psyko_love•.¸¸.•´´¯`••..•

  • I've done a lot to make the web somewhat usable again via extensions and workarounds, so maybe that's why I'm not as frustrated as others.

    I do use Linux, GrapheneOS, the terminal, and a lot of various tools to give me a far more minimal experience on the web by default. Ublock with paywall block filter lists, JavaScript off by default, duckduckgo lite search, and privacy redirect extensions shut out most of the noise. I even have sponsor block cut out mentions of sponsors on YouTube videos. So for the most part I just get pure content.

    I do miss the culture behind the old web when people were more optimistic and experimental with what they would do with their websites, or just more minimal in their approach cuz they kind of had to.

    I do miss the prevalence of old school discussion forums, and I'll always prefer IRC, XMPP, or Matrix over platforms like Discord.

    The Fediverse, especially Lemmy, is a welcome breath of fresh air though. So the modern web isn't all bad.

  • Cracked is still around. 🤨 They just... Suck now outside of some of the stuff they do on YouTube.

    It's not really any specific thing I miss about the old internet, personally. Most of what I do is the same now as it was then. It's really the vibe and the fact more shit is owned by big corporate entities and not just some dude in his garage, attic or basement. That's why I like Lemmy. It's all garage/attic/basement people (well except threads but fuck zuck) 😋