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Critics must rescore Dragon's Dogma 2 in light of microtransactions

  • how did we end up in a reality where people are actively defending a 70$ release priced game that is single player AND has micro-transactions. A game like this should be thrown into the garbage and everyone should be unified on that. Like it being single player ALONE should make it so it doesn't have MT's but it has both SP and a 70$ price point?

    • Because enough people shell out money for things we used to get just by purchasing the game.

      I'd wager half the current buyers of games nowadays don't even remember a time before dlc was ever even a thing. So to them this is just what gaming is.

    • Cause the micro transactions are literally pointless. The only people complaining are the people who haven't played the game enough to know that NOTHING in the dlc is worth paying for. If you played the game for the first few hours, you'd earn more RC just by killing shit then the highest dlc package offers. Ferrystone are loot or gold. Barber shop costs gold too. Nothing is even that expensive.

      The game is LITERALLY exactly like the first game except more content. The micro transactions might as well be called donations.

      • If you are ok with this, you are naive and not thinking about what will happen next. They will obviously push this bar higher with next game if they feel like it's acceptable because people didn't protest enough. Next game you might find yourself having to buy map access because they will say it's more realistic to play the game without the map, and then add micro transaction for it. Defending and accepting practices like this is basically destroying our gaming future. That's exactly how we ended up with games like Diablo 4 Micro transactions + 70 euro + paid expansions + battlepass in one game and there are still people defending it.

      • I'm sorry but the whole point is the principle of it, I a consumer, and spending $70 ( which may I add is still at least $10 more MSRP than your typical game) which is single player, which pointlessly requires an internet connection(at least to start the game), has an anti-cheat(well technically an Anti-Tamper) and has microtransactions. The only thing this is missing is a battle pass and you have every aspect that the majority of the game Community hates.

        This game is literally the embodiment of corporate greed and people buying the game regardless of that and saying "oh the microtransactions are able to be obtained in game anyway" are just eating the corporate "shit-pie".

  • I don't care if they're for stuff that easily obtainable, I don't care that all of the other capcom games have been doing it too, I don't care that its a fun game. $70 and having ANY MTX is bullshit.

    • Honest question since you have clearly played the game for a number of hours. How did the micro-transactions that you needed to go out of your way to even find, and are worthless after having actually played through the game, effect your game play? Was it because nothing in game is affected by them? Or was it that CAPCOM does nothing to push you towards them?

      It was the fact that apparently nobody even knew they were their until somebody went out of their way to discover them that has affected my game play so much! How dare they put these useless items available for real dollars that only a fool would buy, and then after doing so only to find out they are useless. It has basically ruined my whole world, I may never game again! The horror! /s

      • I'll take the obvious bait here. The issue is that paying for a full game should give you a full game. For now the MTXs are like you said, for small items and not game changing. For now.

        If the gaming community accepts this, who knows what the next step will be? Maybe they'll be kept small, but maybe they won't.

        Remember this is the the same industry selling horse armor, selling over 2k dollars of dlc in the Sims 4, shipping unfinished games after millionaire pre-orders, and selling dlc that fix day one problems that shouldn't even be there. And they do this because the community never questioned when they were small enough problems.

      • Do you even understand the point of microtransactions in these situations? When used for items in the game that you can just get by playing the game, did you even consider what involves getting these items? Like does it become tedious? Takes too long to find? Takes up I ventory space? You can only sometimes find them at a vendor?I mean CAPCOM could've made them easily accessible for you. Fast travel kits have no weight, buy them at any store. Customize your character? Sure just setup camp or go to a mirror to do it for free. But no, they created a system that is so subtle that it completely goes over your sheep brain and you either choose to ignore it or cope with the tediousness of getting these items and even if you don't buy the MTX the fact that there are some poor schmucks our there who will probably buy them because of the shitty system setup in DD2 is fucked up enough to be pissed about it, especially for a $70 game. CAPCOM didn't just do this to do this, actually think for a second. They obviously chose these items strategically to get those few people who say "eh I'll just buy this item real quick since it's only 0.50 and convenient". It should be convenient in the fucking $70 single player game itself!!

      • that you needed to go out of your way to even find

        CAPCOM does nothing to push you towards them

        Hey Tim, go ahead and open up the game's page on any storefront and try to find the system requirements before you see the DLC.

        People aren't saying that the items are useful. It would be even worse if they were. The decision to sell microtransactions in a single player RPG, regardless of how useful the things you get for them are, is inherently scummy. It's worth calling it out regardless of how useless the items are.

      • The full list of all available dlc is easily seen on the steam store page before you even buy it. The rest was covered well by another poster.

  • In the interest of clearing up this continuing deluge of misinformation, I think cowboy at the end of his stream today said it better than I did earlier today. Plus he is likely to know more than anyone here as he had completed both endings before release with his advanced copy.


  • It's pretty clear that many people here have not even looked at the Steam store page, and are instead falling for the bait for clicks and drama from a reviewer that didn't read, and is big sad he only got to complete the standard version pre-launch. This whole thing is manufactured drama over something that was right on the Steam page since day one. You want the stuff the guy cried about in the article, buy the Deluxe addition. Is $10 to much extra, OK, then buy the individual pieces of the deluxe addition extras you want and stop with this fake outrage for a game you most likely didn't even buy/play anyway.