Will just keep posting here until people have some things to talk about. 😃
Will just keep posting here until people have some things to talk about. 😃
Will just keep posting here until people have some things to talk about. 😃
I purchased the game and played through at launch, despite (and partly because of) the bugs. I admit, there was annoyance, but humor as well at the random naked t-pose while on a bike.
I also had (and still have) a 3090, so got to play at basically max settings (except ray tracing).
It was fun. I did another play through when they released the RT overdrive update and enjoyed it just as much. Didn't end up using RT overdrive after the first hour or so as the performance/quality wasn't there on a 3440x1440 display (either bad frame rate, or super low res).
Nice! Envious of people who can play it on ray tracing! RT loooks super nice on photo mode.
Nice, push it. I still haven't played it. Is the fixed up game pretty worth it? I don't want no spoilers. How open world is everything?
I will share my experience... I played the game the week it launched on PC. Played a few hours, forgot about it.
Came back to it this week, started fresh. It really is phenomenal. The story is incredible. So much so, that I find myself doing ANYTHING to keep the game going without progressing. The little side quests I do are so engrossing, I forget they're not part of the main story line. I played for hours and was blown away before the words "cyberpunk 2077" scrolled across the screen and I realized I had only completed the intro.
It really is a wonderful world that feels alive. I feel like the builds are fun and actually feel rewarded for trying new things. (I was a hardcore wow player where min maxing was so essential. It's so refreshing to play a single player game where I can actually fuck around and try to new/different things).
So yeah. The game didn't grab me the first time. Second time around and it's easily in my top 10.
Plus Panam.
Hahaha, that last line..
You convinced me to give it a go now! Managed to wait out the hype and all the bugs^^
I played it on Xbox when it first came out. There definitely were a ton of bugs and issues, but I loved the story so much that I kept with it and it got better with each patch. Once I finish Zelda I’m going to replay it again.
Oh great. Okay, I'm in, thanks
The game is in a much better state now than when it first launched. And the open world is pretty gorgeous! Occasionally I'll boot up the game, hop on a motorcycle, turn on the radio, and just cruise around the city without a goal in mind. Very fun environments to explore, and I'll often end up catching myself finding little spots that I've never seen before, even after completing all the main and side quests.
Oh I love that, going around a world(usually Morrowind) and then seeing a cave behind a waterfall I didn't notice before or something like that.
The game is so good. But I might be biased because I enjoyed the game since day 1. How open world is everything? For me there's a lot to explore, some corners tells a story of what happened there even though you can't see any shards that you can read what happened, you can see some traces of what went through and that for me is what made the city alive. (People pointed out that the city is dead because NPCs don't have daily routines/cycles and they are dumb) Maybe I am just easy to please. Anyways, some doors are locked for obvious performance reasons.
(People pointed out that the city is dead because NPCs don’t have daily routines/cycles and they are dumb)
The issue is mainly that they (and the city overall) don't really react in a way that has been established by open world city games since like... GTA3?
NPCs didn't have a range of reactions to aggression or being bumped, they wouldn't start fights, some of the seated ones wouldn't even run away when gunfire goes off nearby they'd just stay seated and scream. The police system was obviously hellishly bad with cops just teleporting in to fight you, no chase/escape gameplay, no real anything.
The sandbox basically fails to deliver standard features of the open world city sandbox that have existed in every open world city game for 15 years.
The story content is good, and plays really well. The issue is that the world and interacting with it functionally feels like a diorama that you're not supposed to touch. Like a background in a movie where the walls will fall over if you touch them.
Compare to how the world interacts with the player in GTA5 or RDR2 and it's massively underwhelming, which is what people were expecting in terms of quality and polish. It's a real shame because the game is gorgeous and tonnes of effort clearly went into its world and story. I personally have some other issues with it, like the "punk" aspect not really being present because half the studio are far-right PiS voters but it's a Polish studio so I expected that. Trigger really demonstrated how this franchise should look when you handle it from the properly left-wing "punk" angle that the cyberpunk genre is supposed to have, fully committing with no both-sides or confusion about it.
Okay, definitely still sounds like it's worth checking out. Thanks
At this point it’s legit very good. However, if you’ve waited this long you might as well wait a few more months for phantom liberty to come out as they’re overhauling a lot of the core game to make it even better.
I posted another comment in the thread, but yes, very much worth it in my opinion. There's plenty of playthrough footage that'd help you figure out if you would like the play styles (melee brute, ranged sniper, close combat gunner, netrunner to name a few and any mix you can think of)
You might want to wait for a sale though, I'd expect one close or at release of phantom liberty, which is also going to coincide with a patch that massively changes the base game.
Got it, thanks. When is that psych getting released?
I got the game very early on. Even bought a pc for it. Was glorious. Actually, I had less bugs before they „fixed“ everything but its not a lot now.
Think gta in the future. Cool story, insane graphics. Only downside is that you have to start with the story and it feels kind of long until you really get out there. After that you‘re free and can do everything else before advancing the story, finishing the game.
I played through three times I think. The different fighting styles are very cool as well. Completely different gameplay. I.e. hacker, mantis, rambo, double 0 agent, etc.
So is it worth 60 bucks? If you love the theme as much as I do then yes. But otherwise it is a must for 30, definitely.
Have a good one! :)
I started a new playthrough a few days ago, and I've been loving it. I will probably start another once the new dlc comes out. Is there anything I should try out before that?
You can finish the main quest to get a different ending. If you already done that, you can mess with your builds, read shards near the site of the side quests to learn more about cyberpunk lore and have fun with the side quests since gameplay will a bit different after phantom Liberty since they will be changing some gameplay mechanics.
Me personally I'll play the main and sides slowly and go photomode most of the time.
Nice Choom,
This is making me want to start a new play through. Finished it once when the game first came out and haven't touched it since.
Maybe I can go back and take my time this time trying all the different side quests 🤔
The patch sounds like a pretty big overhaul so I'm waiting for that before I start playing again. I just wish we had more than a week between the patch and the expansion.
mods will probably be temporarily nuked when the patch and expansion comes out. But I'm very eager to read the patch notes.
I bought this game, played it 3 hours on launch, failed to refund it. Give me 3 reasons to reinstall this on steam and try it again.
The feeling of just walking through night city
Totallly this. Sometimes I just launch the game to walk or ride around
Did you play it shortly after it launched, or some time after? The game was very unstable and buggy for a while after it released, but it's been largely improved since then. There's still a few minor bugs that are kinda hard to fix (usually scripting issues with some quest lines that can be broken, but I think most of those have also been repaired), but otherwise it's very solid now.
Also, are you playing on a current-gen system? PS4/XB1 are going to have really bad performance, even with the updates.
If you didn't quit due to performance problems, why did you decide not to continue? Maybe I could shed some light on things you're missing out on.
I played on PC only. I played it within a day of launch. It has been so long that I hardly recall. I believe it wasn’t the most smooth experience, but more so than that, I didn’t enjoy the gameplay. I didn’t feel like my bullets were making a connection. The world felt more contrived than I thought it would.
I also feel like perhaps I bit into the hype to the point that I hadn’t seen the forest for the trees. During my time playing, I realized I wasn’t that into the whole cyber punk concept to begin with. That’s my fault obviously. Shameful though that I didn’t set myself up for a successful refund.