The revolution will not be sober
The revolution will not be sober
The revolution will not be sober
Alcoholics have entered a kind of renaissance where all your favorite junk food brands are offered with liquor inside and the heat's been talking off drunks with the state's power looking at opioid addicts instead.
Dissolving crushed up estradiol tablets in my hard Mountain Dew Baja Blast because alcohol makes your body absorb estrogens faster
And they say capitalism doesn’t innovate 😏
Somebody is going to make a hard protein shake and the gym bros are going to never recover from the impact it’ll have on their subculture
Mike Mentzer already trained while on heavy doses of amphetamines in the late 70s, and the original Jack3d formula from over a decade ago contained DMAA (dimethylamylamine). So hard pre workouts have been a thing in the subculture for quite a while. It's just usually that amphetamines or amphetamine like substances are used instead of alcohol.
Six Six Six Loko
Dissolving nodoze or other truck stop uppers into your stoli and oj, we call it poorloko
actual innovation
C'mon, they should at least commit to the bit and make it 6.66% ABV. Or is the idea that you drink 3 of them
Isn’t this just four loko
6.5 instead of 12-13 %. Probably less caffeine too, idk how much is/was in either but these are legal and the original four loko isn’t anymore so something changed.
no caffeine
Five Loko
4 loko crawled so we could fly
Red Bull missed an opportunity there.
That's why the vodka and redbull exists.
Nothing quite beats the vodka and redbull. A perfect combination even better with a slice of lime.
Just looking at those makes my stomach hurt
Giving me palpitations too
I already did it. If you've ever used Monster as a mixer for vodka or soju, it's exactly that flavor. There's no caffeine nor any of their "energy blend," so we're not going to see a repeat of Four Loko chaos. I was going to say that I overpaid for a decaf Monster cocktail, but it looks like they discontinued the caffeine-free version so this might be the only way to get such a thing.
Wait is decaf lmao. Isn't the caffeine the whole point of drinking monster?
That's what I always get annoyed by when brands known for caffeine get into alcohol. Is it bad to mix a high or kind of high level of caffeine with alcohol given the Four Loko stuff? For sure. But shit is basically false advertising for these things. I don't drink energy drinks for the taste, and there are much better things to mix if that is the point of this drink. It isn't even a very high percent in the first place. So calling it "The Beast" is also lame af. I am guessing it is perfect for the teens that already drink a lot of regular Monsters to jump to and looks enough like the non-alcohol versions to be easy to sneak.
Yeah, back in the day we would buy a BFC of Monster, drink like a quarter of it, and fill it up with vodka. I had the worst hangover of my teenage years when I drank this instead of water on a five mile trek to a concert in like July.
Does anyone else remember terminally online evangelicals sharing a diagram claiming that the Monster logo is a coded satanic message using Hebrew symbols?
Almost makes me miss Facebook.
I remember my uncle asking me about it like a decade ago
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Bottoms up and the Devil laughs
These are undrinkable because you want an energy drink and these arent energy drinks
This stuff actually doesn't have any "energy" stuff in it. It's basically just hard seltzer that is flavored like Monster. It's not too horrible but if I had the choice between this and any beer better than American light beer I'd go with the beer.
if it's anything like hard mountain dew it'll be way better than expected
Did 4 loko get banned for this same mixture type?
Dunno about these, but a lot of the hard versions don't have caffeine. It's just a flavor and branding thing
Abandon 4Loko, return to Buckfast.
Who dae f*** do you think you are, lmao? Bri'sh?