tumblr reading comprehension: electric boogaloo
tumblr reading comprehension: electric boogaloo
tumblr reading comprehension: electric boogaloo
I see this a lot in media criticism. People complaining about "plot holes" or something just not making sense, meanwhile it was explicitly pointed out or explained. I'd blame people being on their phones or something, but the truth isn't that sympathetic.
A good example is Titanic where people keep saying Jack could fit on the door, despite the film showing him trying to get onto the door and almost capsizing it, so he leaves it alone to ensure Rose's safety.
Even if he could fit on it, calling it a plot hole still doesn’t make sense to me. I’d way sooner assume the character is just a chivalrous idiot that died for no reason, which does fit his characterisation and the plot of the movie.
Also clearly people who have never fallen out of a two person canoe/kayak and tried to get back in without tipping the whole thing over.
What is buoyancy?
People weren't on their phones when they saw the Stormtroopers let the rebels get away from the death star so they could track them, heard one rebel say "they let us get away from the death star so they can track us," and then spent 50 years joking about how awful stormtrooper aim is
And then Disney made the joke canon because of the algorithm.
to be fair all action movie baddies do have garbage aim despite being the scary powerful elite squad militia or something. i hate this trope so hard.
And Tarkin telling Vader, "You're sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work."
People complaining about “plot holes” or something just not making sense
Then you have Starfield's main story.
Reminds me of how people somehow still don't understand Lost
Another one of my favorites: when people read between lines that aren't there.
I said what I said, not what you heard.
Now we're arguing about what I said even though it was 5 seconds ago.
Irl I often repeat what other people say in my own words and ask them if that's what they believe. It both helps me understand where they're coming from and confirm I get them
On the Internet I almost never do.
Communication is a two way street. You can be as explicit as you want but if people are trying to win an argument instead of have a discussion they're going to misconstrue what you're saying more often than not.
Being able to figure out what another person is trying to say is an important skill some people don't seem have. I'm not talking about pretending not to understand to "win an argument" either: some folks are legitimately incapable of it.
@fsxylo @Mandarbmax Two of the three direct replies are solid Exhibits A and B of exactly what you're talking about xD
So what you're saying is...
Or maybe just stop making racist jokes
I don't...
I see. But 30 dollars in change are heavy and impractical to carry around. Even if it's the same value, I'd have to prefer the Bills. My wife is rather petite and has to carry around a lot of change and says it's tiresome at times.
As someone who has 30$ in bills, even they get in the way and manage to be obnoxious. There was a girl in my middleschool who had "a lot* of change and she was constantly miserable. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
"my wife is rather petite" also supports your view point on the topic.
BUT another way of viewing the topic is that $30 in paper money only has that value because it has it written on it. If you set them both on fire and melt them, copper and nickel maintain a lot more of their value than paper currency.
So really it can be argued either way ¯(ツ)_/¯
I came to a similar conclusion from the greentext. Big and small are valuable but one is more convenient to carry around with you (due to the mass).
E: I think I see the tumblr users' confusion here... the sentence
Suppose you had $30 in coins as well, which would have greater mass?
can be interpreted like a semicolon or separate sentence...
Suppose you had $30 in coins as well. Which would have greater mass?
or as a extension describing the object...
Suppose you had $30 in coins which would have greater mass as well?
Some might have taken the latter interpretation which makes the rest of the story incomprehensible.
Someone posted a lengthy podcast about how many kids are taught to read badly. https://features.apmreports.org/sold-a-story/
There was another article a couple weeks ago that said less than half of us adults can read at a 6th grade level. 6th grade is before you really get into metaphor and subtext. That's just reading for plot.
Some people legitimately might be bad at reading.
The people on text based sites are probably better than a whole chunk of people that don't even post.
It’s not about reading comprehension, it’s about the reader not understanding the unwritten parameters of the question. That the possibility that neither have greater value exists.
I recall one occasion where something similar happened to me back in middle school. We were learning about probability using dice rolls. One of the questions on the worksheet was (something like) “What is the best way to influence the probability of the dice roll outcome?”
When the question was posed to me I fully understood that there was no way to influence the probability, assuming no influence by external factors, the probability of a given outcome will always be equal. But the fact that the question was posed to me in this way led me to believe that this was not the answer the question was looking for. It implied that in fact there was a way to influence the result, so I got very frustrated in trying to come up with an answer which made sense. In this situation I felt that actually the question was wrong, and got upset that the task I had been set to answer it was impossible to complete correctly. When I realised that the true intent was just to get me to acknowledge that there was no way to influence the result, I felt betrayed by the framing of the question. I knew the answer the whole time, it was obvious, but the framing of the question misled me to believe that was not the intended answer.
The question in my case wasn’t actually an earnest question about probability, the pretext for is was deliberately false. There was no way for me to figure it out using better reading comprehension. The intent of the question can only be realised via comprehension of non-written concepts, essentially being able to recognise when someone is trying to throw you a curveball. It isn't quite the same as just recognising the path of the ball being thrown to you, because in that case it appears to be being thrown away from you.
If you examine the person replying person's responses, that's pretty much where they're at. The whole 'dude is expecting the answer to be their own views' thing is conjecture, what they're expecting is a view given an existing proposition that there is a view to take.
I mean, sometimes questions have assumed context that make it harder to understand or answer correctly. I don't think how money works is an obscure topic among contemporary Internet using people.
I think "rhetorical questions" are either a subcategory or close relative of reading comprehension. When someone says "who watches the watchmen?" they're not looking for a literal "Bob, cuz that's his hobby, got a police scanner and everything" answer. You're supposed to think about it and make some connections.
Rhetorical questions in the style of the OP go back thousands of years. Being unfamiliar with this concept is not great. Maybe not a reading comprehension problem, strictly, but poor literacy.
And for your dice question is "weight the dice" not an acceptable answer?
On the other hand life is full of those kinds of "bad questions": poorly framed questions, leading ones, arguments in bad faith, etc. You're going to encounter them on future tests and in real life, and often the stakes are higher.
That question might have been shit at teaching about probability but it was a far more important lesson in disguise.
We should create a space to help these people, maybe some kind of center for adults who can't read good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too.
What is this, a center for ants?
One good thing is most of those "adults can't read" things don't take into account that many adults can read just fine...in spanish, or their otherwise native language, but get counted for these because their english reading is less than 6th grade.
Still too damn many english-as-a-first-languagers can't read either, but usually less than the scary numbers suggest for america.
That is an excellent podcast
The downvoters out here not getting the parable either xD
I interpreted this as meaning small breasts are more value dense
That was a really fun read. I lost some faith in humanity but it was the wavering variety anyway that comes and goes with the social tides. Tide goes in, tide goes out.
Can't explain that
I watched some "Just rolled in" to lose faith in humanity and then you realize these people are on the road with me
I’m so dumb. Here I am, thinking I fully understood the metaphor, and yet I read “breasts” as “beasts” and was very confused when people started mentioning boobs.
I prefer small, but that's just my 3,000 cents.
You are right, so don't discount your opinion.
Yeah, thirty bucks in coins would be a pain to nibble on
How dare you say we piss on the poor
I mean, as long as they're paying.
I tested in the 99th percentile for reading comprehension all through school. I also regular miss things when I read and have to go back and realize I'm a dumbass. If my comprehension is better than 99% it's very concerning.
Going back and realizing you're a dumbass is like 99% of reading comprehension. And iterative learning in general. Assuming you know everything at first blush is absolutely how shit like this happens.
The real issue is the person who gets it doesn't spell out the path of the metaphor from "which has greater mass" through to "which has greater value". It's like a text version of a sitcom plot where someone doesn't say the obvious thing that would stop the entire argument
That's a technic I call learning by figuring out. I realized some time ago that information you figure out yourself lasts longer. When some at work for example asks me something I usually only return suggestive questions. Questions wich if they answer them lead them to the answer of their questions. I always get rolling eyes when I do but it helps in two ways. First is they really manifest the wisdom so they don't need to ask me a second time and second they learn relativly fast that they have to think what to ask me and how anoying it is so they ask less frequently but more specific. People hate it but it is benefical for both sides in my opinion.
Edit: shared link because im not any more sure one way or the other after looking it up. Thought it might be useful for others
The smaller the tits, the better. Fight me.
So.... a dude ?
Am a dude, can confirm some dude have tits
I gotta start exercising again
Big or small,
I love 'em all
i like how my interpretation is completely different to everyone else.
naturally, if you were to be carrying a unit of monetary value, you would probably want the one that requires less space, and weight, though the primary factor here is weight. (mass if you want to fucking tumblr me)
30 dollars in bills is more valuable than 30 dollars in coins because it's more portable.
They're fungible, and can be transferred into each other easily. They have the same value but different situational utility.
Value is not and cannot be derived solely based on utility in a vacuum. This is proven by the marginal utility of too many titties. While one pair of titties may have value based on their utility, each subsequent pair of titties decreases in utility, as you only have so many hands and so much time.
yes. one has drawbacks for one set of preferences, the other has drawbacks in different ways, for example, if you ran a shop that needed to give change, or you were going to the casino to play slots, or arcade machines, or you were covering a floor in coins decoratively, or you needed to club someone about the head with a heavy sack...
The actual value of the money doesn't change though, and I think that was the person's misinterpretation as well, your implicit preference can be different based on how the money is presented but it's still 30 dollars, bills, coins, stock, gold, whatever. Portability can change, ease of use can change, mass can change, shape can change, but 30 bucks is 30 bucks and titties be titties.
this as well. But to me, it's not that it's the same, it's that one is different from the other, in an unrelated manner.
One could argue coins have the distinct advantage in this case of being highly divisible, which is very true.
The question here was not whether titties were tittes, because that's obvious. But whether one titty was better than the other titty. I think the point here is demonstrating that it's not about the monetary value. It's about how you perceive it.
I guess we found Limmy's tumbler account
What a moron, obviously he doesn't understand the coins are heavier and have a higher weight value.
I feel like with all the writers and grammar Nazis there, this problem is actually very minor on Tumblr compared to the rest of the internet.
Strong grammar skills isn't the same as comprehending, though. Being able to write, being able to write well--is also not the same as comprehending what someone else has written. Let alone what someone means by what they've written.
"thatguyfromthatwebsite" seems to have read and interpreted the language properties of the greentext, but was not able to comprehend it, not able to take one single step beyond the text to what the author intends it to mean.
There's an easy experiment I've accidentally run.
Find a thread with a consensus emotion. For example, say that something is a scam, so you have outrage, mistrust, and scepticism.
Take some words from the opposite emotion, calm, trust, believe. Use them to make a point that agrees with the consensus. Watch the downvotes roll in.
People will focus on the emotions from the individual words and not think at all about their meaning as a whole.
YMMV, but I've had more issues with people being this obtuse here on Lemmy than I've ever seen on Tumblr.
Plus, Tumblr is basically all queer content creators who have been on the site for 10-14 years. Subtext is like oxygen to them at this point.
It's like some people want to read things in the most obscure way possible.
Lemmy is absolutely the worst I've ever seen with failure to comprehend basic things, and then also getting angry about it.
Interestingly, a pretty enjoyable green text as a bonus. Thanks x
Suppose the breasts were $30 in my bank account. They weigh nothing, but -
And at that moment he was $60 richer
the quickening
Tumblr and Lemmy better never learn what a koan is, y'all'd have an aneurysm trying to figure them out
Gimme my titties in NFTs, expensive but never really mine because everyone's got a copy on their phone, so deflated anyway.
Deflated titties everyone has a picture of on their phone is a great description of my ex-wife. tugs collar
man really thought that there's nobody who can read words but not understand anything
This is about interpreting metaphors and not reading comprehension.
Interpreting metaphors is reading comprehension...am I getting whooshed?
Yes, there's some reading comprehension issues here, but there's also bad writing.
The original question is about size, but the Philosopher, for some reason, makes a detour into mass. This detour goes nowhere, and just ends up as a distraction to the point he's trying to make. He could have just said, "Suppose you were to have $30 in coins instead, which would have more value, the coins or the bills?" No introduction of "mass" for no reason, just a straightforward analogy that different things can have the same value. Or, he could have kept the idea of size: "Suppose you needed to carry $30 in coins instead, would you need a bigger wallet? ... Ah, but which wallet's contents would have the greater value?"
It's also distracting that he says "you were to have $30 in coins as well". That makes it seem like it's important that Anon now has $60 instead of $30. If the idea was to compare $30 in coins to $30 in bills, a better wording would be "instead". Then you're comparing two situations in which Anon has $30, instead of a situation where he now has $60 instead of his original $30 but half of it is now in coins.
The way it's written is like a trick question where the obvious answer is wrong. The obvious answer is right, it just feels like it's wrong because it's badly written.
Lemme try to help you out here
The original question is about size, but the Philosopher, for some reason, makes a detour into mass. This detour goes nowhere, and just ends up as a distraction to the point he's trying to make.
Larger breasts have more mass. His point was that just like how mass is irrelevant to the value of money, it is also irrelevant to the value of breasts.
It's also distracting that he says "you were to have $30 in coins as well". That makes it seem like it's important that Anon now has $60 instead of $30. If the idea was to compare $30 in coins to $30 in bills, a better wording would be "instead".
This is where reading comprehension comes into play. You have to be able to interpret what someone is saying, even if they don't phrase it in exactly the way that would make it easiest for you personally to understand. If you can't parse what they meant, that is indicative of poor reading comprehension on your part. It never says nor implies that the man having $60 matters. You're adding that to the story, and then complaining that the story doesn't address it.
The way it's written is like a trick question where the obvious answer is wrong.
The way it's written is meant to lead you to the understanding that while size (and mass, which is inexorably linked to size of living tissue) can vary, breasts are still breasts, regardless of size, just as $30 is still $30 regardless of denomination. It is a trick question, and being able to recognize trick questions is an important factor in reading comprehension.
Larger breasts have more mass.
Yes, but that detail is not necessary to the story, so it is bad writing to introduce it.
You have to be able to interpret what someone is saying, even if they don’t phrase it in exactly the way that would make it easiest for you personally to understand.
In other words, if the writing is bad. Thank you for agreeing with the point I was making: the writing is bad.