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What was the first album/tape/CD you bought?

I'll kick us off with an absolute banger...

Boyzone - Love Me For A Reason

I was like 6. I wanted it desperately. Listening back to it now, as a 36 year old man I can admit that it's an absolutely horrible bit of music....but it still takes me back to being a young kid.

  • New Order—Blue Monday. Broke my first hifi listening to it too loud.

  • With my own money, it was "Glorious Results of a Misspent Youth" by Joan Jett. Killer fucking album. Well, tape, because that was back when cassettes were still the only really portable music option. 8 tracks still existed, but they weren't really portable. Have you ever seen one of the supposedly portable players? Way too big and bulky to casually carry around.

    Anyway, yes, I'm old as fuck.

    However! The day I bought it, we were at the mall. I had to choose between that and Alabama's Mountain Music. In a rare event, my dad asked if I had any money left, and when I said only a little, he handed me enough to go back and get the Alabama tape too.

    Listened to the Alabama with him on the way home :)

  • Right. So. I'm and old fart, and the first 7 inch single I bought was "I Wanna Be A Winner" by Brown Sauce when I was 8 or 9. A pile of crap written by B.A. Robertson and performed by a fake group of Noel Edmonds, Keith Chegwin and Maggie Philbin. The B-Side had the theme from Swap Shop, for it was some sort of Swap Shop tie-in. Unfortunately it wasn't the good theme for Swap Shop, it was a crappy one they used for the last season. The second single I bought was "Dead Ringer for Love" by Meat Loaf. Which was somewhat better.

  • The first record I chose was Ma Na Ma Na by the Muppets. The first record bought with my own money was Never for Ever by Kate Bush

    Also, old.

  • "True" by Avicii when I was about 7.

    You can view my Librefm here to see how different my music taste is now.

  • Because of when I was born, and restricting myself from watching CiTV or any of the other ads-for-toys-I-wouldn't-get-having channels, it was obviously Busted's A Present for Everyone thanks to CBBC probably violating the BBC's anti-advertising rules about it.

  • I was 11 or 12 before becoming interested in music independently of whatever other people put on, but my best friend thought I'd like The Darkness so I bought Permission to Land with my birthday money.

    Still a fantastic album, Black Shuck and Love on the Rocks still make regular appearances in my listening.

  • I think the first tapes I remember buying were the stories with books. You know, Back to the Future condensed into 20 odd minutes of audio and a 24-page book.

    My first album (cassette) I think was the Top Gun soundtrack. The first vinyl was Batman by Prince, which I bought on a school day trip to France.

    Finally, one Christmas, my parents told me they were buying me a CD/Tape deck and gave me money to buy some CDs. I bought Stranger in a Strange Land by Iron Maiden, and the Soundtrack to Alien.