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cheap hardware recommendation?


I'm interested in setting up a jellyfin server that will only serve streams to TVs on my LAN. Files will be on an existing NAS. Usage will be low (probably just one stream at a time); cheap and reliable is the name of the game, and cheap includes power consumption. I am thinking of some kind of NUC but don't know enough about jellyfin yet to decide on specs. Any recommendations for a specific NUC model or CPU/GPU? I assume I will be running linux - any distro recommendations?

  • Thin clients are the best for this. You can take your pick on an abundant of options on eBay.

    Jellyfin isn't that power hungry, and it would run on a rPi if you set it up right. You're only problems are when it decides to transcoder file and you can get around that by using Kodi with the jellyfin add-on. (And choosing the native paths option. Kodi grabs all the data via, SMB, NFS, etc)

    This way you can use Jellyfin as a media enrichment solution, not worry about the CPU or GPU encoding and just worry about watching everything.