Not hiding it
Not hiding it
Not hiding it
Fuck Israel
AIPAC can eat a bag of shit and die.
Hiding what?
AIPAC - American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Seems obvious from the name, no?
Maybe because I live in DC it is more in your face here, but the politico part of this town has been sucking Israel's cock for decades.
It has come as a real surprise to me that most of the country didn't seem to know that until this Gaza war.
Funny how its election meddling until its israel.
They've never hid it. Here's a video they released years ago bragging about how they basically own all our politicians:
This foreign state-sponsored corruption should be banned
The biggest bubble is the bubble around Washington, D.C., fueled by tons of money. Most people would agree there is a genocide if they were made aware of it, but there is a lot of money being pumped to make sure the truth isn't given any attention.
I generally agree but I think it is starting to change. The primary protest votes suggest there is growing “disapproval” regarding Israel, and this is among actual voters. Not enough to make it politically “safe” for Biden to outright oppose Israel now, but it is something.