there are worse hills to die on
there are worse hills to die on
there are worse hills to die on
Wikipedia's hall of fame of stupid edit wars has some pretty entertaining sections.
Don't forget about the heated argument on a bodybuilding forum about how many days are in a week
This is my favorite thing that's happened to me all day and I had a nice pork chop this morning 😃
I laughed out loud many times on the first page and then I got to the bottom with the pagination showing God only knows how many more pages of it continuing, and completely busted out laughing. I want to give them all a warm cup of tea and a cookie and tell them to relax it's gonna be okay.
This is glorious
most wikipedia thing ever to start the joke page with a link to the article defining “humor”.
That really was entertaining
This was hilarious. Thank you for the read.
This link was a morning ruining rabbit hole.
that's beautiful. thank you
Scientist: Finds the most useless element.
Also scientist: Names it after France 💀💀
Well, they already got Gallium. (Gaul)
Gallium explodes people who call it a stupid element. (it used in the plutonium pits of atomic bombs)
The end reads like a bad Amazon review or something and it cracks me up.
Absolute dogshit isotope and its synthetic siblings are just the same but worse
1/5 stars
I'll probably remember francium forever now, so there's that.
Francium has been one of my favourite elements since before I was a teenager, I'm 35 and this hasn't changed...this person needs to learn to have fun.
I think they did have fun writing this edit. 😄
Well I'm convinced of the position, should I go get the pitchforks?
Unfortunately the pitchforks were made out of Francium and they vaporized and cooked everyone.
Could someone please explain the “he (the genie) would just give it to you” part?
This aside has me curious about motivations etc.
I think the joke is that he doesn't have to monkey's paw the wish at all to screw you over for wishing for it
my interpretation of it is: when you ask a genie for something they’ll give it to you, but with a nasty twist. e.g., if you ask for a lot of money they’ll say okay, then give you the money, and then tell you it’s all marked notes from a recent bank robbery or something.
but since this element is so stupid, there’s no twist necessary. the element itself is the nasty surprise.
when you ask a genie for something they’ll give it to you, but with a nasty twist
And if I remember correctly, it's about asking a wish with precise, thoughtful phrasing, or it's going to backfire.
"Your wish is my command."
"I don't want to see my mother-in-law ever again."
Boom! Makes him blind.
Nah they're right though. The fact that it was named after France is an abomination in the first place, but naming such a dogwater-useless element after France? It literally sounds like this isotope was only made to make a 'can't last 30 minutes' joke about the French.
Isn't it also one of those salt elements that just explodes instantly if it contacts water?
It is indeed in the alkali metal group
How did we even study it if it decays in less than an hour?
Study it in 45 minutes
a half life of 30min, doesn't mean there won't be anything left after 60min. After 60min there will be a half of the half left over, and after 90min - half of the half of the half, and so on
Maybe they knew someone named Francis?
They're not wrong.