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Parents used to warn their kids that literature would rot their brains. Then it was the radio, TV, and video games. Now it's TikTok.

Socrates bemoaned those young'ns who had the audacity to read their Homer, instead of memorizing it.

  • And they were right.

    wildly gesturing at everything around

      • You're correct that it has been overblown in the past. That does not invalidate what is occurring, doubly so since we have scientific proof now.

        You are equating "Old man yells at cloud" to "hundreds of nuclear scientists says cloud of radioactive gas is harmful and here are dozens of papers proving it."

        They are not the same thing.

      • Weren't they right? I mean, the people wildly gesturing at everything around?

  • To be fair as someone who over my life has transitioned from reading, to the internet, to videos, to short form content. it does have an effect on your attention span.

    My advice. Do what you will, but never stop reading. Pick up some books.

  • TikTok, Social media, video games, rock and metal music, rap music, Dungeons and Dragons, Rock 'n' Roll, movies, phones, bikes, novels, older generations will always chose a scapegoat to focus on

    Eventually it will be our turn

  • Social media in general and TikTok specifically have had major impacts to both our attention span as well as things like anxiety disorders.

    Everything else in this list from reading to videogames is a different way to absorb a story, but social media isn't built for that. Its designed on FOMO, and the idea that you have to keep posting and engaging or you'll disappear. The algorithms are also toxic and designed like a gambling addiction. Books don't do that, even TV can't really do that. Videogames can, but not all are. Social media absolutely is, though. Everytime.