The reviews must flow! And the spicy subject here is the first computer game adaptation of Dune, made by Cryo Interactive and Virgin Games in 1992. Take cont...
Absolutely love this game. Played it from beginning to end on the PC multiple times over the decades. The original floppy version that is, not the poncy CD version he's using! 😂
Watched this the other day, it's a good watch if you like lgr and/or have an interest in DOS strategy games. Personally I'd like to see more games experiment with hybrid game styles like this one did.
Tht would be wired there's dune games out all the time. Saw 1 last night with portraits of the current cast. From the screenshot it would make my monkey brain bleed though
I played the Mega Drive/Genesis version when I was a kid and it hooked me so much that I rented it several more times, it was a great game. I always wanted to play the first one too, but I didn't get to actually play it until a few years ago, awesome game too, maybe better than Dune 2 for me.