Oh my god,okay it's happening,everybody stay calm
Oh my god,okay it's happening,everybody stay calm
Oh my god,okay it's happening,everybody stay calm
This war is going to go on until at at least till Putin dies won't it?
Russians really fucked themselves on this one. But it looks more and more like they are just willing to kill themselves and Ukraine to save face. It looks like the only hope for Ukraine is to attrition the Russian military while sanctions are ongoing that the Russians get so pissed off at their shitty lives that they do something. But the Russians aren't famous for doing anything about their shitty lives so I doubt that's going to happen soon.
Hopefully Ukraine can destroy enough AA to use these planes to get effect next year.
Well the Russians did try to improve their circumstances that one time. Did not work out for literally everyone around them though.
Because every f16 sent to Ukraine gets backfilled by an f35?
Are we going to be sending them pilots as well or do they just expect them to start the long training process to learn how to fly them and hope the pointless (but Russia's fault) war lasts long enough to use them?
The pilots will be Ukrainian from what I understand. But the planes are owned by the respective countries. The only reason for the sensationalist headline, beside clickbait, is because the F-16 is an American made fighter jet.
As I understand it (but have no source) there are Ukraine pilots being trained on the F-16 stateside
Don't worry, you got plenty of time to calm down. The pilot training hasn't even started yet.
Rookie move. Germany's about to get to new Bundesländer
the fuck do the yanks have to say about who sends what?
Word of the day: hegemony
Jesus christ, you people are tiring.
Read a fucking article for once in your lives, and you'll quickly figure out that you need the manufacturing country's permission before exporting weapons bought from them.
This isn't some US conspiracy. This is very common with pretty much all countries that manufacture weapons.
Just like the Gorn?
Congrats right wingers
Meanwhile, the people in Maui who lost their homes and everything they've ever owned get a one time payment of $700.
These jets were already sold to the Danes and Dutch, we’re just giving them the green light to send planes made by us to Ukraine to help free their people from oppressors
Youre right, the Dutch should donate their old F16s to the suffering people of Maui because... Uhhh....
Because, damn it! Because!
I don't see how F16s would help them but maybe an airshow would spread the Spirit of Aloha.
You are right…. There should be a climate damage levy imposed on Exxon to help cover these extreme weather events and the people directly affected by their actions.
As much as I hate the idea that America is a capitalist hellscape that minces the poor to make ‘line go up’.
Sometimes there’s this unfortunate coincidence where the military industrial complex inadvertently does some good.
Russians are going to learn why America doesn’t have the money for universal healthcare.
Funny how nobody ever makes these sorts of comments about, say, money we spend paying farmers to not grow corn, or money we spend on overpriced or useless weapons systems for our own military, or even specifically the military aid we give to wealthier, less deserving countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel; it's always Ukraine that brings out the "how come we aren't spending money on X" people.
I think everybody who's reading this thread is going to fail to see the connection you're trying to draw between Hawaiian Electric and light and the Ukrainian military.
Unless you have some sort of evidence that Ukraine owns and operates Hawaiian Electric and will somehow benefit from Hawaiians losing their ancestral homes.
I mean, I've seen some stupid conspiracies of my time but this is just dumb.
in international weapons sales manufacturer's country retains some degree of control over equipment even after sale, especially for heavy equipment like any aircraft, SPGs, SAMs, tanks and so on. so for example if Country A sells jets to Country B to serve in Country B's air force, that's all clear, but if then Country B wants to sell them somewhere else, it has to get Country A's approval. otherwise, if these jets mysteriously find themselves in Country C's air force, that happens to be enemy of Country A, then Country B can probably forget about any weapon deals with Country A and their allies for a long long time in addition to diplomatic mess it would cause
this is that approval given from usa to nederlands and denmark, no money is involved
there was little shitshow about it early in the war, because ammo for gepards was made in switzerland, and they didn't approve of sale from germany to ukraine
Technically, Maui was invaded—by the US.
Love you Vanky faggots, you always say such silly things