Contrarianism is when you criticize capitalist enshitification.
Contrarianism is when you criticize capitalist enshitification.
Contrarianism is when you criticize capitalist enshitification.
"This is the inevitable result of capitalism. - No it's because of [describes the mechanisms and material conditions of capitalism that make it inevitable], not capitalism!" is my favorite subgenre of capitalist realism brainworms. It's like fish caught in a net arguing that it's not the net that's the problem, it's all these hard stringy things that are in the way because you can't swim through them and they can push you.
"I agree with you."
"YOu disgusting contrarian!"
Also "covid had a huge spike of gamers" is so fuckin funny to me.
I don't know how you can find this funny. The covid gamer spike protein mutation devastated an under prepared community traditionally protected by faithful adherence to social distancing.
COVID did cause a huge spike in racism so... Yeah, more gamers makes sense.
Well, they did say "least contrarian." Maybe they just weren't doing the bit.
contrarianism is when uh
having an opinion
I guess
god are liberals always like this or just know what pisses me off
I'm surprised you didn't answer with
Thanks for explaining the specifics of how capitalism ruined everything.
Any reaction to video games other than
is contrarianismSomeone asked me if I was “triggered” today when I said whatever they said made no sense at all and asked for clarification
Language is something else innit
Reddit language is just every comment is confrontational
They're literally not trying to exchange any information they're just trying to use the correct smarmy reddit line for maximum upvotes.
And they're a bunch of pre packaged responses because again, they aren't actually interacting with anything you said
We are in agreement
OMG, so contrarian!!
Bro, what?
Actually, contrarianism is when you say that what you said is completely compatible with what the other person said.
you can tell they wish they could dunk like us
They fear our power.
Do y'all ever hover over the enter key and wonder "wait, am i about to dunk on a child? A bot? A liberal? What the hell is on the other side of the screen writing these banal, awful things? What am I doing here?"
Nope. I usually just make dumb decisions and then regret them afterwards.
Got in a disagreement online and the other person kept changing their arguments and contradicting themselves. I wasn't overly rude or insulting but after a couple comments my tone was not kind. Suddenly all these people showed up in the discussion getting all butthurt. Even her husband started to get all agro at me in the comments. Apparently she had a stroke at some point and had difficulty organizing her thoughts since. She was objectively wrong and they were all mad at me for trying to give the OP correct information.
what am I doing here?
I ask myself this every day
Isn't it also less about a surge in consumption dropping off and more about the infinite free money hose being turned off?
lol yeah the loan spigot got turned off after they decided covid was "over"
That's when I say something like, "Indeed, such things are baked into the system/are inevitable" etc but that's if they give enough of a shit to listen lol. Explain yourself.
You have been brought before the Hexbear tribunal. shovv thyself before yourself and beg mercy before the magistrate of the shire in which ye hath posted such liberal blasphemy! And perhaps thou shalt be served a punishment more merciful than that befitting such a poster as thyself. Allovv yourself to be judged and repent before thy magistrate and community before thy inevitable reckoning before God so ye might be shown such mercy in your final judgment, despite thy vvorth. And live knowing that thou art based I'm thy nature an entirely unvvorthy of gods love! -the VVitchfinder General of Hexxbear
I think that what said above is actually what's going on here, and this bigboig clown doesn't understand that the meme phrase "least x y" is always meant sarcastically. They really are saying "wow look, a hexbear that doesn't argue about everything." They're still a dumbass and they're still thinking they're cleverly dunking on hexbear, but they are not saying "this user is extremely contrarian even for a hexbear." They don't understand the idiom they're using.
It just doesn't make any sense otherwise.
Is there more context to this where it's supposed to be a rebuttal? Their comment reads much more like "yes, and."
it is. we are a very contentious people, particularly if you're from off-site.
Contrarianism is when you agree.