Janitor all the way.
Janitor all the way.
Janitor all the way.
The working class people are the only reason the CEO has a title or any money at all. Take the janitor out of the building and it fills up with trash. Take the CEO out of the building and wonder why they were even there in the first place.
I'm reminded of the Irish Bank Strike, where the banks threw a hissy fit about some law and decided to close until it was repealed.
Life went on pretty much as normal, with pub owners becoming the new arbiters of credit worthiness, and eventually the banks had to give up.
The CEOs are absolutely overpaid for what little they actually do, but I'm not sure I willing to say they do literally nothing. It's not exactly being a capitalist boot licker to acknowledge that there needs to be somebody steering the ship.
Or are you talking about literally just the building? Because frankly there are a lot of working class people who don't actually need to be in the building at all and nothing would change if they weren't there.
CEOs would literally refuse to come to work if their offices weren't clean.
The real levels of management knows this which is why unions work otherwise they just fire everyone.
The only person who actually thinks the CEO contributes anything is the CEO themselves. Everyone else knows they're completely superfluous. Which is why CEOs will be one of the first jobs to get automated because it's actually easier to automate that than it is to automate the workforce because they actually do complicated stuff.
It depends on the Janitor and CEO in question
I've known some nice hardworking nice dedicated janitors.
I've known some punks that got there by being miserable to everyone around them.
Come to think of it, the same two conditions apply to various CEO's I know as well :)
The main difference was probably who their dads were.
How dare you to suggest not all CEOs are exactly the same. Do you have any idea how difficult concept that is to fit into my black and white worldview?
Not all CEOs are the same. All CEOs are less necessary than janitors.
It's almost like the world isn't in black and white, just endless shades of grey
The janitor sees what's in everyone's rubbish bins. That motherfucker knows things.
He does not understand why I use sugar free sweetener in my coffee to cut down on sugar but eat dangerous amounts of normal sugar black jellybeans. Neither do I.
Every time I feel overworked I think about how many additional employees my boss's excessive salary could pay for.
It's really fun if you do non-finance work at a finance place.
You've got the internal accountants trying to deny a request for $500 a year for a piece of business critical tech/software that you need to support the people who swing around half a mil in investments like it's nothing.
I really shouldn't complain. I'm paid quite well for what I do and I have a shit ton of flexibility. But there's a lot of times that the absurdity is so thick it could be cut with a knife.
The janitor makes sure the building is clean and smells okay and that the toilets don't look like they're in a sewer rather than just connected to it.
The CEO... makes themselves richer. Even if the company goes under.
A janitor knows how to clean up a mess.
Listen, every time you work with say 10 or 20 people, people start to disorganize. You can have a Fishing Club or organize a LAN party and it'll probably happen. And it becomes kind of obvious that it'd be good to have a person that would have general overview of the thing and they'll focus to keep the thing on the track, resolve conflicts etc. You want to call that person a leader, boss, cheff, CEO, captain, whatever, but at certain group size it becomes kind of necessary.
This person needs certain skills to be good at it. Is it more complicated than janitor? Probably yes. Should you respect them more than a janitor? No. Should this person have astronomical sallary? No. Should you guilotine this person? No.
A manager is a role precisely like that of a janitor and should get the same respect.
They both keep the workplace clean and operational. They don't actually make the business any money, but are both necessary for ideal operations.
However, only one of them has delusions of grandeur that they're irreplaceable and ilis generally willing to maim or kill people indirectly to better their personal station. And it isn't the Janitor.
Sir, this is Lemmy.
I know, I know and I know Lemmy's history with far-left and I know this is memes community. But everytime I see such oversimplified thing it becomes kind of scarry to me. I mean the worst human attrocities in the history started with oversimplified "this group of people = BAD! Even worse, they're daemons! Kill them!". So I'm just trynig to calm things down and bring some ballance to the force
Lefty lemmy, righty reddit
Whom then do I guillotine?
I didnt sharpen this bad boy for nothing.
Nobody is questioning leadership, but CEOs ain't there to lead, they are there for the bottom line.
The CEO is there to do what the board wants, and the board points the company in the direction the shareholders want.
The catch is that all three of these groups have a ton of overlap and all they care about is money.
Yes, but what happens when you have fifteen of these groups? You need a person with the general overview of those groups.
And how about fifteen of those level 2 groups.... does the person over those groups have any clue what is done on the actual work level? Should they be guillotined for claiming that without them nothing would be done and therefore they need as much as the cumulative pay under them? (Hint:Yes)
Look, all I'm gonna say is I know which job is easier.
It's CEO, isn't it?
9 times outta 10, I am the janitor so of course I respect myself more.
And i respect you
Ofc I respect the janitor more, they provide an actual service, however CEOs are also just workers like the janitor and the rest of us, it's just that they are paid a tiny bit more to police us, keep in line, and protect the owner class. So yes, still very much in the guillotine conga line.
Why do you keep spelling janitor like progenitor?
Rofl, wtf. Genitor isn't even that close to janitor.
As to how, I'm having a bit of trouble lately using open sauce HeliBoard (forked from OpenBoard) with closed sauce gesture typing library ('degoogled'). And not wearing glasses for a bit I guess. All hail the genitor class I guess.
I edited my previous post now, thx.
A moment of silence for our brothers still wasting their lives posting garbage motivational quotes on social media.
Without the CEO neither the janitor or I would have a job
Without you and the janitor the CEO would have no surplus value to steal.
If you're going to make the "capitalists create jobs" argument, at least make it properly. The CEO isn't the owner nor the investor.
As for the argument you want to make, if there weren't capitalist investors, we would have a different method to allocate resources and create jobs.
Sure the janitor could have a job. Nationalized custodial jobs could definitely be a thing. Imagine every custodian having good-quality federal government healthcare plans.
CEO, not so much.