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  • Warframe for me. They tickled that lizard brain juuust right with their FOMO marketing. Played religiously and exclusively for 3+ years. I managed to dip when they released a strange space ship combat mechanic that didn't relly work. Clocked about 3.5k hours total.

  • World of warcraft and rimworld.

    Rimworld fortunately can be paused, so causes less family stress.

    Not sure why I keep playing wow, have played it on and off since launch and have enjoyed it, even with all it's flaws. Get sucked in for a few really intensive weeks after every major patch... My wife hates the game with an absolute passion.

  • Definitely Dofus back then (2005-2010), Minecraft Survival Mode after that (2012-2020) and now it's Grim Dawn.

  • Skyrim more specifically modding Skyrim, I up stayed up until 6am and destroyed my sleep schedule when I got into Skyrim modding scene for the first time

  • The only game I refuse to install, is Football Manager. I only did this mistake once in my life