Embrace Sisko thought.
Embrace Sisko thought.
Embrace Sisko thought.
I never got this line of reasoning. Okay, if you believe that then what are you going to do about it? If I started a roving band of murderous marxists are you telling me you won't stop us because that'd be too violent? Oh no, the liberals are going to treat me the same way they treat fascists; by doing jack shit about it!
Oh no, the liberals are going to treat me the same way they treat fascists; by doing jack shit about it!
Oh no they won't. They'll fucking kill you.
If you murder a murderer, that makes you a murderer too. :very-intelligent:
sisko: ah quark youre so cute doing capitalism, its like going to museum
quark starts exploiting his workers
sisko: alright cut that shit out right now or you will be turned over to the ferengi where youre a wanted criminal :rommunism:
:rommunism: <--- Haha this is epic!
a true union man