Reminder that Roger Stone is not the only coup plot insider who confessed Trump's Start the Steal conspiracy plans to a group of Trump insiders before the election.
…audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election.
Let’s listen. [Begin Videotape]
STEVE BANNON: And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory, right? He’s going to declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner. The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump’s going to take advantage — that’s our strategy.
He’s gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it’s going to be even crazier. Because he’s gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden’s wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit.
A member of team Trump (Peter Navarro maybe?) was describing the plan on Ari Melber's MSNBC show. Ari stopped him and said, "you know that's a coup, right? What you're describing is a coup." - The guy had no idea.
Yes. He has a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back and he’s one of the biggest pieces of shit in a generation. He has no redeeming qualities. There are a few documentaries about him, I think Netflix had a good one a couple years ago.
Correct. As we found out AFTER Bush was installed, no matter how you counted the votes in Florida, if the vote had been completed, Gore would have won.
If the Trump legal defense is that he believed he won the election and was investigating fraud, and this proves that they were planning to call fraud before the election happened, then that does disprove his legal defense.
Do you mean by "clickbait garbage" that the language is too inflammatory for you regardless of the article content?
Except weren't they were claiming that mail-in ballots were potentially fraudulent for months before the election? This video doesn't disprove anything if they claimed that ballots that had already been cast were illegal.
They know that for the rest of their lives long after Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump is gone they will be tied to a father with the same reputation as Benedict Arnold. That realization has got to be depressing.
Reminder that Roger Stone coordinated timing with WikiLeaks to drop the emails that Russia had hacked and passed off to WikiLeaks. The low point of Trump's campaign - the release of the Access Hollywood tape - had WikiLeaks dripping emails within hours. Julian Assange's outfit had fallen from a champion of press freedom to a facilitator of the Russian dictatorship interfering in elections.
The clip was part of Guldbrandsen’s documentary, A Storm Foretold, released in March of this year.
So there's nothing actually new about this video. It's just that Donald forgot that someone filmed the slimy inner workings of his re-election campaign when it came time to mount a defense, and he doesn't have any good lawyers to help him avoid painting himself into a corner again. Hell, he probably lied to his lawyers, too.
The video ... depicts the right-wing lobbyist dictating a fake elector plot in key battleground states. The video was taken on November 5, 2020, two days before the election was called, thus disproving Trump’s main defense that he and his allies genuinely believed they had won the race.
That’s kind of the point of RICO. If this is a coordinated conspiracy then Trump can’t just say “hey listen my advisors told me this was legal” if those advisors are on tape giving out the details of their criminal conspiracy
As pointed out elsehwere, Stone does not have to be collaborating directly with Trump, but there are still a lot of unidentified co-conspirators, and "other persons known and unknown to the grand jury." There's room for Stone to be in one of those groups.
I find it very hard to imagine that there isn't evidence of this traitor directly plotting with Trump et al. We just haven't seen it yet.
I have no doubts that at some point before the election their was a Coup Plot Kickoff Meeting with at least Bannon, Stone, Treason Trump, and Guiliani in the meeting. I don't know who else was in this meeting, but we know that Bannon and Stone attended the meeting because of their video confessions.
They’re unindicted co-conspirators, I’m willing to bet. They’re shitting bricks and may eventually have to grapple with the possibility of flipping. It’s really fuckin’ fun to watch.