Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season - Episode 2
Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season - Episode 2
Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season - Episode 2
God, I love how Gojou gets so excited every time he uses a powerful move. He knows how amazing he is.
The animation when he transitions through the building was amazing.
I didn't know S2 started! Thanks
So he's yet to master his vapourization technique huh. That means also no absolute domain? Also how did her guardian get kidnapped when the sorcerer was there with her.
Should i watch the movie before watching the season 2?
It seems like the movie will more or less spoil the ending of the first part of s2.
You could probably argue you might get more out of it by knowing what's coming, but honestly I could see it providing excellent experiences both ways for reasons.
I havent read manga, but as a anime watcher so far it seems the best watch order will be to see the movie after season 2 not before.
Okay, so the Sorcerer Killer is ::: spoiler spoiler ___Megumi's brother, probably estranged :::
But what is Nobara doing in that class before she shows up in S1?
That was great
I love the fact that there are no hints or references to the previous stuff. Feels great for speculation, newcomer-friendly, movie-ending friendly, more freedom in character and OP/ED and just feels a bit more respectful when they don't feel the need to remind you.
Just a small thing but I really respect that there is no indication from the S01 or the movie in the OP or ED. You could easily tell someone this is a brand new anime if they knew nothing of the topic or the title suggesting it's a season 2 It's basically the opposite of the 10 minute re-cap with the added benefit of being newcomer friendly and a jump-in point