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  • I would love them if they had a concept of personal space, or a survival instinct that told them not to get up in someone biggers face.

    As I've aged, I've lost the ability to hear them too, so now they love to sneak up on me.

  • I've got a bunch of red wasps around my house, and they're assholes. They're okay most of the time, unless you get too close. Every so often, though, they will be aggressive as hell, attacking you if you're within maybe 20 feet.

  • I'm fine with them until they start building their home on my home. You will die a breathless death with my spray if you build on my house.

  • Wasps. Been around for a very long time. Important pollinator and pest control. So many different types of them all over from tiny ones to f-ing huge.

    But why do you want to annoy me when I’m just trying to eat my picnic!! Just leave me alone!!! Fun fact bees are vegetarian wasps.

  • 1st Worst: Mosquitoes
    \ 2nd Worst: Wasps
    \ 3rd Worst: Chiggers (that "red bug", technically a mite, like ticks)

    Then all Australian wildlife approximatively

  • A lot of wasps are totally harmless to humans! we have this really cute red stripey kind that constantly flies in figure eights over the ground, trying to detect Japanese Beetle larva to eat, for which I am grateful. I like wasps in general.

  • They get drunk and try to sting me in the fall. Do not like.

  • I really haven't had an issue with them. I've been stung a few times, but usually I know what I did wrong. Once or twice my dogs made them mad and they ended up going for me.

    I used to have this storage shed that was full of wasp nests. I don't mean just a few small nests, the wall was literally covered with wasps. I could go in there to fetch something and as long as I moved slowly they didn't seem to care. (Though I did try to avoid the day time and visit them when it was pretty cool and they were torpid.) Never even had a close call with those wasps.