It's Joever
It's Joever
It's Joever
Bakunin also thought that the American north was oppressing the south by forcing them back into the union
Dude was dumb as hell and that isn't sectarianism. Kropotkin, from what I've read, has not had any absurd takes like this.
don't look up "Bakunin jews"
Kropotkin called on anarchists to take sides on WWI against "German aggression". Fortunately most anarchists at the time realized that was dumb as hell and it ruined his reputation for a good while.
Guy probably had brainworms about the Napoleonic wars. Still, not nearly as absurd as bakunins takes, kropotkins reasoning did have a grain of truth to it in that the Weimar Republic was highly destabilized and was a toss up for the communists and fascists early on
The original anti-Putler radlib move haha
Really nailing the condescending aristocrat way of thought. Proles have no minds of their own, so if Marx "lost" a debate they would all abandon marxist communism in favour of anarchists because that's what the people who think decided.
Also Marx would have never lost a debate
Note: I have no idea what debate this is referring to
The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory but is a practical question. Man must prove the truth — i.e. the reality and power, the this-sidedness of his thinking in practice. The dispute over the reality or non-reality of thinking that is isolated from practice is a purely scholastic question.
very great man of history too. Bakunin was such a powerful high level debatelord that surely he would have pushed the tides in his favor!
The world might be very different is Musk had made it to Mars on time and enabled the billionaire faction to die in space.
Elon Musk, one of the great minds of leftist theory
away with Anarcho-Bidenism, embrace Anarcho-Muskism
Look who skimmed a new Wikipedia article today!
I'm BTFO. How can I recover?
Is that a real tweet?
An evergeen tweet as real as you and me!
Confused? Well good ol'
said that he was a socialist. I cannot make this shit up!Lmao
Honestly a beautiful shitpost
That has to be one of the silliest quotes of all time and if he had said that in front of Marx he would've been laughed into hell.
But they are happier when its elon musk's stick, non?
True true, btw do you have tetanus shots to go?
since his wives left him i don't think so
Elon Musk is incredibly stupid, holy shit
Musk unironically identifying as an ancap would be so fucking funny. Vibes based political order.
What kind of bullshit is this?
What can I say, his antisemitism really spoke to Musk.
I think it's just a tiny bit silly when MLs start criticizing Bakunin for antisemitism. Because, yes, Bakunin was a virulent antisemite, and unlike Marx he himself was not Jewish nor can you point to any broader structural critique. But, I mean, guys, let's not pretend that ML movements don't have a bad history of antisemitism.
He took the divorce hard
Elon was advanced on the divorce guy pipeline before he even got divorced.
Got real into sports cars, got hair plugs, started ranting about wokeness, made some terrible purchases out of spite, got really into swords/guns, now he's a spiraling anti-semitic conspiracy theorist
It's quite astonishing how they all follow the same path. Real NPC hours.
winning debates is how you change the world
This man found ways to be stupid never before thought possible.
lmao Musk becoming a mutualist or something is going to be great discourse. Can't wait until mainstream news has to teach everybody the difference between egoism and syndicalism when describing the richest man on Earth
Somebody with Twitter blue needs to start spamming him with Stirner memes. It would be so fucking on point for hellworld’s richest man to become obsessed with a fictional person Engels created to troll Marx.
That quote is stupid as fuck anyway
I know it sounds dumb, but the essence of it is anti-cop. You can't abolish the police and then create socialist cops, they're same thing, you essentially changed nothing, it's there to demonstrate that some instruments of state power cannot be reformed, no matter what political system is in charge.
but the essence of it is anti-cop
No shit, but it misses that laws are not all the same, nor are the varying degrees of responsibility that you can hold law enforcement to (e.g. qualified immunity vs actual accountability). It's just crass idealism and George Orwell-style "left"-anticommunism in practice. There's nothing good you can glean from the quote except "bad things are bad", it gives you no real understanding of why bad things happen, how they can be prevented, what they would be replaced with, etc.
socialist cops are necessary until imperialism is no longer a threat I'm sorry to say. Proletarian defense forces protecting collective property is a fundamentally different thing than bourgeois agents defending private property. The conflation is fake. Even under pure final communism there will be armed bodies of people protecting the community from sabotage and anti-social behavior
Socialist cops are for counterrevolutionaries. The state is a monopoly on violence for the ruling class.
Hmm, weird. Makes me think there may be an actual real life example of Anarchists being incredibly silly, totally failing, then having soviets come in to pick up the pieces. Maybe in Munich in 1919?
time for elon's
arcoh joy
Resist... temptation... to do... sectarianism!!!
Elon Musk is a land of contrasts
time is fascist, first of all
smash all clocks
I knew some people in the aerospace biz who worked at SpaceX. They had nothing but horrible words to say about him lol everyone thinks he is a joke and dumb as bricks.
critical support to lemon musk for demolishing the case for anarchism
I would love him to try and explain what he means by that, in detail lmao