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  • I somehow got lucky and never seen any of Beau's content. This goes against all odds, as I've been presented many opportunities in the last few years, and I have intended to give him a fair try, and I have a crippling weakness for men with beards, but another video also just looked slightly more interesting each time.

  • I watched a few of his videos years back and they were alright, but the content itself wasn't super interesting and his fake southern good ol' boy schtick was painfully thin so I never kept up. Then I hear about this sometime during the official pandemic and refused to watch anything in passing anymore.

  • My coworker who still talks about Ukraine when all the other libs have forgotten about the topic, and who previously tried to get me to watch Vaush, and used to regularly try to encourage me to GM adversarially in my Werewolf the Forsaken game when I gave my other coworker Cliff's notes on my sessions, has mentioned this slaver positively TWICE.

    Uh, anyways, I don't think restorative justice is for slavers, or that even if it were you should be a multi-millionaire (with money made from your slaving) f-list YouTube celebrity when it's done.

    Justin King should still be in prison.

    • Love ttrpgs, hate ttrpg players. Or I guess moreso DnD.

      • I know that it's small potatoes vs supporting the slaver and the pedophile, but my playgroup wanted to be cool werewolves who hunt spider monsters and evil spirits. Nobody is interested in "no matter what you do a mortal journalist gets video of you transforming and starts a nationwide werewolf hunt."

        Nobody wants the random good ol boys you mauled secretly all having silver buckshot. That's stupid, Steve.

  • If you want to ostracise Beau from the left the pathway to doing so has already been laid out by the anti-Vaush campaign. Create a masterlist of problems, write up bot responses for it, get it installed in as many leftwing subs as possible auto-responding to "Beau". You'd need to know people in those modteams for this, or know people that know people, most of the left will jump on-board if you get 2 or 3 well known ones doing it though.

    A subreddit dedicated to the cause similar to EnoughVaushSpam is another possibility, but Beau might not be controversial enough to produce enough content to populate one.

    This is all not really very difficult but requires someone with the motivation and time for it.