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  • I have to use fragrance and dye free detergent or I am a total mess - hives, pimples, inflamed irritation spots and even fever. I am flat-out allergic to that shit!

    • Our washer died a couple of months ago so we had to hit the laundromat for awhile. Brought our own detergent of course, but we also got the dregs of whatever the last dozen or so people poured into the dispenser. It was like histamine roulette that landed on 00 suspiciously often.

    • I am as well. Specifically fabric softener. Just walking down that particular aisle in the grocery store makes my lungs burn and eyes water.

  • There are detergents that don’t have “pulling floral potpourri out of Spring’s ass” amount of scent. I too despise strong scents in laundry, and step one is not buying a detergent that advertises being scented, the same goes for dryer sheets if you use them. You can also cut or tear dryer sheets in half to reduce the amount of scent, and quite often a half sheet works every bit as good as a whole one.