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  • First Second update:

    • That's the 2nd post. He started with the update regarding the restart command.

    • Oh, that's cool (but trick play is not a very good for that, wth).

      • trick play is not a very good for that

        What do you mean? Trick play is just the name of the functionality. There are several methods/formats to actually implement it, such as HLS, DASH, and BIF.

        In this case, the functionality was added to the server API using the HLS format.

  • So I haven't taken the time to wrap my head around Jellyfin and the Arr family.

    I currently use Kodi with Seren and Premiumize. Is there a guide for converting to something to replace Premiumize with what I assume is Sonarr and Radarr? I have a few months until my next renewal though I have to say I've not been unhappy with Premiumize, it's just another bill.

    • Completely different kind of service, the debrid services let you stream media. The arrs are so you can download and store media. I think it's overall more convenient to just have a premiumize or Real-Debrid subscription so you don't have to buy hard drives and keep a server running

      • Debrid services can be used to download as well. If you’re doing lite torrenting it works perfectly fine to grab files of any kind without exposing your IP, similar-ish to a VPN.

        I’m guessing you’re talking about Stremio though, which covers a large amount of media. But will falter for older stuff, or non-popular titles. I don’t recall what it was, but I recently ran into a 2019 series that wasn’t possible to find with Torrentio.

      • Yah, I realize that. But I'm not against just having the whole season or series on file or not have to worry about whether there's a problem 2 seasons in getting it at a low bitrate for my cabin internet connection. I kinda dislike having to scroll through to find the feed I want and half the time I accidentally pick a dubbed feed or a shitcam. I'll often go on to piratebay and just pull the entire season at my preferred resultion rather than fart around with the debrid.

        And I run a pile of servers already for other purposes and backup, I'm fine adding services.

        But on this subject I'm far enough behind the curve that I wouldn't mind some direction towards best practices before I go too far in the wrong direction.