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  • love that a common villain in their worldview is Narcissists who can only experience the Other through the lens of their own personal sacred Trauma and meanwhile this guy is like "women are trying to turn men into women. this is a very common thing. in fact, it happened to me!"

  • My brother's fiance is trying to trans him ... My ex-fiance tried to do this to me

    Yeah, that happened ... twice.

  • I had to look up wtf a "troon" was, and jesus christ, reddit mods, how is that shit allowed.

    EDIT: okay, read some of the thread, and jesus H fucking christ, reddit. I just skimmed and I came across transphobia, fatphobia, misogyny, transmisogyny, toxic masculinity, ableism, multiple slurs, and all of it's just... there, not being moderated for shit?