Sure, all digital records are falsifiable. But everything here seems.. normal. I'm not sure what you mean? It's not like they're claiming their school made them shit in a sandbox or anything. Not trying to be antagonistic, I just don't see anything here that screams "this is an outright lie" or even "this is implausible"
Even if it was an outright lie. Why would that make you antagonistic?
We're supposed to believe some tumblers have their Bio as the rarest creature in existence. But it's wrong to believe someone wanted to poke fun at this shit:
As a queer person, for me at least I find the 'default' language pretty funny. I think it could just as easily be seen as acknowledgement of privilege as the other way around
I was neurodivergent all this time. It's just people expressed it as there's something odd about that little boy.
The thing is, the more you explore all those microlabels, the more you find things that you're into, which wouldn’t have been explored if you're socially obligated to conform to a standard vanilla norm. Dark identity. (As in dark matter, not who the man is in the dark though there sometimes is that.)
For me, the gateway was major depression. I did a lot of deep diving to understand why I so readily despair even when outlooks appeared to be okay (though on national and global levels there are good justifications for dispair, but that's a different rant) In finding out why I'm so conditioned to Tragic Vampire Romance Island, I find out all my microidentities and kinks along the way.
No, extravert is the correct psychological nomenclature. Extraversion. Extroversion was not a thing until everyone got it wrong and it had to be shoved into dictionaries. Doesn't change a thing, "extro" is not a word. "Intro" on the other hand, is. As in "introvert".
What, do mutants have extro-sensory perception now, too? Is there extroneous information? Extrovehicular? Extrovagance? Extrovaganza?
Oof, shove a bat up your ass! Do governments perform extrojudicial killings? Do we extrodite prisoners, and extropolate data, too?
Extra means "without" or "outside". Extro has no definition, because it's not a word. It is in opposition to "intro" which is also, GASP, a latin word, meaning "within", or "inside". How is this hard to understand? God I hate throngs of people being wrong at the same time.
"Extrovert" was introduced BECAUSE uneducated people used the wrong word so much they had to.
Jung used "extra" and "intro", case closed. Latin for "turning outside" and "turning inside".
...though Jung also didn't mean extraversion as synonymous with "sociable" or introversion with "needs to refill their tank" or whatnot, but "cognition primarily concerned with the object as opposed to the subject or the other way around".