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(1965) Dec. 9 - Downed 'Object' Aim of Pennsylvania Hunt

           Downed 'Object' Aim Of Pennsylvania Hunt

       PITTSBURGH (UPI)  -U.S. Army officials and the Pennsylvania State Police Thursday night sealed off an area in southwesters Pennsylvania explaining there "is an unidentified flying object in the woods."

       A spokesman for a team of radar experts from the Army's 662 Radar Squadron here said, "We don't know what we have yet."

       After sealing off a wooded, isolated area at Kecksburg, Pa., about 20 miles south of here, officers said Army engineers were being called to the scene.

       The object was found after a flash of orange fire streaking across the sky was reported by airplane pilots and residents in seven states.

       Pentagon sources indicated the flash could have been a meteorite.

       State police went to the Kecksburg, Pa., area after a woman reported seeing a "round, smoldering object crash to the earth."

       No Rockets Fired

       Earlier reports said the flash could have been a high altitude test rocket fired over Lake Erie but National Guard and Air Force officials denied any rockets had been fired.

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