One side is working to dismantle democracy. The other side is not. If you don't vote blue you are enabling Republicans to enact Project 2025. You would enable Republicans to take away rights from LGBT people in America. You would enable abortion bans and enable even more of the genocide in Gaza. You would enable Republicans to do all the types of stuff listed in the meme, and they will try.
I am convinced some of the far left that won't vote for Biden because of the war in Gaza are being influenced by Republicans. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those people are Republicans trying to get people not to vote for Biden. It may not be an ideal situation, but if you don't vote for Biden because you think he is handling the war in Gaza horribly, you are doing exactly what the Republicans want you to do. Maybe someday we'll be able to vote for someone better than him. But for now, you have to understand the reality of our two party system, and deal with it. At the very least, don't do what the Republicans would want you to do: staying home rather than going out and voting for Biden
"Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?" Yes
Maybe I'm just getting old, but I have no problem seeing the vast difference between the two choices we're going to be given in November.
No matter how much the children in the room piss and moan, there are realistically only two choices - 3rd party candidates only exist to spoil it for whomever they're ideologically closer to of the two "real" candidates. Furthermore, Biden has turned out better than I expected - and I'm a Bernie Sanders kinda guy!
The current electoral phase is the primary, which is what those voting 'Uncommitted' are involved in. You have to understand this the first, last, and only phase in the presidential election cycle where voters have ANY say, even the possibility of it, on influencing executive policy for their party.
Anyone thinking criticism of Biden in a primary is the same as supporting Trump in the general is delusional and demonstrably doesn't understand the electoral process for president.
Are people like OP really concerned about Dean Philips or Marianne Williamson becoming the democratic party candidate? Because that is the phase we are in: internal party primary elections. People are trying to shape the Democratic Party platform through a democratic process and there is all this blowback that amounts only to "B-but Trump!"
That perspective relies on a misunderstanding, willful or not, of American Presidential election cycles.
Though I still am hedging my bets that at least one of the general election candidates keels over in the next 6 months.
Don't worry, a bunch of fucking idiots think not voting is the solution, turning what could just be 4 more years of "definitely not good" into a toss up with "holy fucking shit I didn't know it could be this bad".
The vapid motherfuckers doing everything based on principles without taking reality into account is how the left always seems to get so little done.
given all Biden is doing for women with abortion and ivf, he’s getting kids breakfast and lunch money, he’s helping reduce college loan disasters, Medicare is going after pharmas that price gouge, he’s the first president ever to join union members on the picket line, I could go on and on.
Fuck Biden, and fuck the DNC, may they rot in hell, but Trump would be worse for people I love and care for.
My only hope is that the GOP implodes due to infighting, and the DNC splits into a leftist and establishment group of parties, so that we can choose between a leftist and a liberal, not a liberal and a fascist.
"Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?" Yes
For anybody saying no, I would like to know what radical action we were all supposed to have taken in 2021 to the present that would have fixed America, or how revolution will be easier under a Trump presidency, or what specific plan the vast majority of leftists and progressives wants to enact
It's crazy how much energy is already being put into blaming voters for being turned off by an undesirable politician.
Usually this happens after an election.
Biden supporting genocide WILL disengage voters regardless of how bad the other guy is. His decision to support genocide will hand Trump the presidency on a silver platter.
If someone kicks their dog, the dog responds by biting the fucker, and the fucker responds to the bite by giving the dog away to some other fucker who kicks the dog even more... are we really going to criticize the dog for biting fucker#1? How about don't kick the god damned dog??
Weird how that makes it seem like the people trying to make things better are the ones responsible for making things worse. It's almost like the whole system was set up to give us two horrible choices and make us think the lesser evil is actually good. That way we won't try to really fix anything ourselves and just get angry at the people who do for "wasting their votes". No hate to anyone who thinks this way just sharing another perspective.
I'd rather have Biden than Trump. But I'd rather have Dr. Cornell West or Claudia de la Cruz more than either of them by a lot. Hell I'm probably going to vote for one of them. I live in Maryland, a blue state that'll go to Biden anyway. If anybody has a problem with that, I don't care 🤷
I don't begrudge the people who don't want to vote for him. For those who see their vote as support and complicity, I understand the reluctance. If Biden suddenly said fuck gay and trans people tomorrow, I would not be a happy camper. I would not be happy voting for a politician who hates gay people and deny them their rights.
But I would still do it. And I hope everyone who doesn't want to vote for him still comes around in November to reluctantly do so.
Let's vote against someone meh for not being left enough, there will surely be no negative consequences to voting against someone for not being left enough
If you deny people their right to expect their politicians to deliver what they want, then you will lose them. Yes Trump is a serious risk, but Biden could easily listen to the people, and deliver what they want. There are so many things he could do.
There are things he is doing, but people are allowed to expect more.
Politicians need to meet the needs of the people. Why is it always expected that people meet the needs of the politicians in order to prevent catastrophe, without getting what they need.
I look at these people and can't quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention? To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. "Can I interest you in the chicken?" she asks. "Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it? To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.
So the deluge of Biden admins who have resigned because of the genocide in Palestine: are they all Trump supporters now since they are withholding their support for Biden?
Good lord, it is horrifying to think about what kind of horrific monstrosities the dems will support in coming decades in the name of "harm reduction" instead of asking hard questions about the viability of their political system, which is bought and paid for by special interests. I give it 5 more presidential cycles before the democratic tagline evolves into "vote for our candidate who only wants to do 5 genocides as opposed to the one who wants to do 6 genocides!". Y'all have been anchor biased hard as fuck. Liberals will continue to prop up genocide such that they don't have to question capitalism, or contemplating what kind of steps would need to be taken to dismantle it.
The history is there folks, read it before you start taking shots to the left as you flail - trying and failing to understand how your country is backsliding into genocidal fascism.
I will likely vote for Biden because I don't consume MSM junk news or Putin's psyops propaganda that permeates social media. Few people understand the Israel/Palestine situation
However if the next election ends up being something similar to the current one where it becomes another a vote not for X means a vote for Y, I'm going to vote Z regardless of the potential outcome it's the only way to actually make change in our system it just requires people actually going through with the threat of not voting X or Y
This election is easy. Vote blue because the only other viable party is straight up fascist and don't even want another election (because they'd keep losing). So I'll vote for a blue rock if it's a vote against the people saying they wanna take us back to the stone ages with a touch of Nazi Germany with a sprinkle of Italian fascism on top, and don't forget the good old American fascism. Comes in 5 great new flavors!
If the democratic party keeps going against everything that would create a better world, and constantly just runs as the "less worse" party, then no. I'm not willing to vote for him again. Sometimes you need to lose freedom to see how much it really matters
Trump is a fucking awful choice. And choosing him will cause the downfall of America.
But it's been a very long time since America was the beacon of progress and freedom and progress. Im more worried about how we take care of the planet and deal with the impending climate crisis. This shouldn't be a country thing, it should be a human thing.
For all that Biden has done and is doing wrong, he has still done more good for people here at home. People here choosing not to vote for Biden simply because of his support for Israel would damn this entire country, their country, to help people who don't even know them terrify me.
It is on Biden to course correct and be serious about trying to win here. It seems that is not in the plans. The message of fear is not going to be enough when Trump was already President before.
People who refuse to vote for Biden because he's a criminal are not going to vote for another criminal either.
Propaganda makes you believe you must pick a side between red and blue, you can vote for a third party or don't give your support to the government at all
You cannot hold us hostage and blame us if Trump wins. Biden can stop supporting a genocide. The DNC could drop him as a candidate.
This is a choice the Democratic elite are making. And if there are no consequences here then there's no hope to get off this pro corporate train into fascism either. They'll just keep following the GOP to the right until in 2028 it's, "we have to support Harris Youth because DeSantis would dissolve Congress."
I've watched the Democrats dive to the right every single election in my life, except one. And I've held my nose every single time they did it.
I'm just gonna abstain to vote for president but vote down the ballot blue everywhere else.
Because I have been told time and time again that Biden doesn't need to court Progressives because the important thing is courting the centrists who will get him elected. So if I won't make an impact then, why does it matter if I don't vote for him?
It can't be both that my vote is the most important and not necessary. And I get the argument of, "well he needs to court the centrists who are morons and you just need to vote because you know better." but I know better and I won't just be a reliable vote just because they expect it they are owed it for not being worse.
I want a government that takes it's job seriously. Not expects to keep it because what other choice do I have. And my only power is voice and vote which is practically worthless as working class.
So either Biden will win because everyone is right. No left party in the US and they don't need us or they are gonna change tactics. But I'm tired.
Of course not voting/voting Trump will not save Palestine, I can't imagine anyone really thinks that. But imagine, if you can, that you do want to save Palestine, like actually do something to change the approach of your government. Maybe
I'm all for not voting for Biden, but how about people at least wait until the alternative isn't Trump?
edit: So curious about all the amount of downvotes, I can't imagine they are coming from Trump fans. Is that a testament to the amount of people that would still vote Biden even if there were actually decent competition? Or maybe it's a testament to the US love for a one party state or your vote goes to the devil sort of party politics it has devolved to..
First thing is I am going to vote against Biden in the primary. Second thing I am going to do is vote 3rd party for president and blue down the rest of the ballot.
I live in a state that the president election is decided (Delaware). I will vote blue since there is issues in Delaware like absentee and early voting that is on the docket. I live in the south of Delaware. Fun fact democrats don't even run someone for state senate in my district. In ice cream millionaires son wins my district
Bigger problem is sort of generally just that people have like, no agency to exercise any political will really outside of basically fundamentally rigged and undemocratic system that only comes around every 4 years. Also partially talking about local and state elections too, there. If you're lucky enough to be part of a union, the union is probably also shit because this is america.
On the other hand, I find it really epic and cool that people are now having political discussions through prearranged talking points via spongebob memes. That's really epic, and very cool, and we all love that. If we've kinda reached the point where we're able to just simulate entire discussions through spongebob image macros, you think we would've arrived at a kind of ultimate truth, here, at some point. Even just for a given goal, or set of constraints, or given set of information.
I will also say, most of these spongebob memes are just meant for the in-group. None of these are convincing anyone to change their mind, they're written exclusively from the perspective of someone who's just reaffirming their worldview. The OP's one literally just like, mocks the opposition, there. I don't think you're gonna convince anyone with that, but I've also never seen a convincing one just generally. You'd be better off just formatting a well-sourced writeup, and then copy-pasting that in many places, so people can actually interact with the different links, instead of just looking at the macro and being convinced solely on the basis of rhetoric therein. I've seen better image macros propagated on 4chan for blatantly conspiratorial garbage, because those at least had the pretense of being well-sourced, even if they were just blatantly bullshit if you pushed back and looked up the sources even a little. The misinformation, basically, was trying much harder than this.
Of course I'd still be more upset if Trump win than Biden, but it doesn't matter who I vote for in my state. If my state is even close in the election, then Biden won by the biggest landslide since like 88 even if my 1 vote was enough to change the outcome from Trump to Biden somehow. So why would I give my votes for genocide when I could vote for people who are against genocide when it doesn't even matter in terms of the 2024 election outcomes? Why not demonstrate to local candidates that there are votes to be had for actual leftwing candidates instead?
I'm pretty sure most people are on board with this logic. All of the noise in comments about Genocide Joe or voting 3rd party are 100% right wing agitators and/or bots.
Of course not voting/voting Trump will not save Palestine, I can't imagine anyone really thinks that. But imagine, if you can, that you do want to save Palestine, like actually do something to change the approach of your government. What would you suggest? Biden sometimes says the right things but does NOTHING practical. Aside from selling them weapons and voting down cease fire resolutions. I think it's honestly pathetic to complain about people having a problem with that just because it's an election year. Best time to genocide Palestinians I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
N...yet. Despite some of the claims, we, Russians, don't participate in foreign elections.
That said, the existence of the state of Israel is entirely because of the US support. One could say, it's a US-orchestrated proxy war against the Arab league. The ongoing genocide is on you guys (yes, you too can throw bricks at me for the Ukraine war). But, on the other hand, without the US support, Israel is likely going to fail, and Arabs are definitely going to return the favor, causing even bigger genocide, and disdain from millions of Jews, most of which are in the US. It's a lose-lose situation. I don't see any reason why Trump, being the racist that he is, would drop the US's base of operations within middle east either.
So, vote Biden, I guess, he's a two faced fuck but at least he's not actively malicious or trying to turn the US into an authoritarian state (trust me, that'd suck).
I am not voting for the guy sending the bombs used to carry out a genocide, who maintained and is campaigning on Trump's policies (such as shutting down the border and building the wall).
If the dems want my vote, give me a candidate that a. Is not doing genocide, and b. Offers a more meaningful difference in my life than a day's missed pay.
This is all a bunch of hyperbolic nonsense. Yes trumps an idiot, yes hes an ignorant assbackwards loon.
Yes biden is also a blithering idiot and his party is literally as corrupt as an eastern bloc republic. Yes his administration is blatantly incompetent at basic governance, and lies to the public routinely.
This entire clown show is fucking ridiculous. The united states is an overglorified corrupt corporate oligarchy with nuclear weapons.
The corporate 2 party system and the military industrial complex oligarchy needs to be brought down. This entire trump vs biden bullshit is a legit circus distraction.
Honestly NATO should be disbanded. If there is no Soviet Union, there should be no NATO. Most of the wars in the World right know are fought by NATO countries.
You can vote for whoever you want, but I really think the focused should be on getting Biden and Trump not to be candidates anymore, then focusing on the fight between the two. They have a lot more similarities with each other, then between us and them.
I keep getting texts and emails asking for me to donate to Bidens campaign. Not only does he want my vote, he wants my money too? I don't see anything sacred about our elections. When you have 20 people running for president (all collecting donations too) when we all knew who the nominees would be, its clear to see that this is just a reality TV show and the governing process is not something we really get to participate in.
Does anyone honestly think that a right wing president would be doing anything differently on these issues?
Look, I won't tell you who to vote for, but don't judge me by who I vote for. This is a lot like deciding if you want to get waterboarded or spend time on the rack.
No matter what you choose, you get to suffer. Trading out one bad option for a worse option because you don't like what the first guy did, is insane, because you're definitely not going to like what the second guy does.
let it all burn coz this system is definitely not working for people like me and we are being subjugated, painted as terrorists and killed either way.. i’d rather a real fascist than a halfway crook..
“Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]
none of your fucking business. and before you accuse me of fascism, remember it's the fascists and authoritarians who demand blind loyalty and vote checks.
I can of course recognize trump is worse than biden. I can also recognize that Biden is still bad, and call that bullshit out. Perhaps Biden should maybe recognize; like any human with a fucking soul that genocide is fucking bad and maybe do what he can to stop it. So far; all we have is vague promises and platitudes while sending increasing amounts of money and arms to the genocidal dickfucks.
Lol fuck you and this whole position. "The other guy is worse" will not get you the votes you want. That was pretty much the entire party position in 2016 and we saw what happened. Worried about losing votes because of bidens deplorable enabling of Israel? Then get another fucking candidate who hasn't been supporting war crimes for the last year.