Trump closes in on Biden with young voters: Poll
Trump closes in on Biden with young voters: Poll
Biden is barely beating Trump among young voters
Trump closes in on Biden with young voters: Poll
Biden is barely beating Trump among young voters
As a young voter, the muscular, alpha, nubile trump is a very attractive choice. His tight abs, trendy taste in music, and progressive sensitivities really resonate with me. Biden one the other hand, at 3.5 years older than trump might as well dig a fucking hole a climb in. 3 years is an eternity to young voters like me.
Attachment to either party is waning among younger voters. A plurality (41%) of them call themselves independents.
I swear this is a generational thing. Silent Gen were rebellious bastards, boomers were not, gen x are rebellious bastards, millennials are not, gen z going with being rebellious bastards totally checks out .
My old gen x ass is 100% with you my little dudes/dudettes... Gotta fight for your right to party ;)
Millennials are actually rebellious, too. Remaining liberal or further left as they age, rather than growing more conservative. Switching from their raised-in religion to "None." The rates are less sharp than Gen Z, but they are still significant.
The old tick-tock analogy is changing, especially as an alarming number of people are trying to thumb the scales hard to the right.
An I'm a 1980 kid... So gen x or millennial or Oregon trail gen or what ever you want to call it..
I'm in the south.. so red a Democrat doesn't even run majority of the time..
I have done nothing but move further left as I've gotten older.
Started out paying attention to politics when I was 16 and those "demoncrats" were going to ruin the nation... Then I realized all they really wanted to do was enable anyone to get married, have legal weed, make sure my retired parents have health care and not to mention make sure kids don't go into debt for school lunches..
One side wants to hate drag queens / kill gay or transgender folks/ force women to bear any dependant they are inflicted with
And the other wants gram gram to get her insulin for $35 / let folks be free to choose
Like... What?
I'm a millennial and I'd identify as an independent because I fucking hate the DNC... but there's no fucking chance Trump will get my vote and a 100% chance whoever has the D (probably Biden, let's be real) will get my vote. In my mayoral election I'm carefully researching both the dem and progressive candidates though.
It's going to be interesting to see how the young rural population revolts. I think we'll see the greatest amount of change coming from small rural areas. They'll have to create their own agenda, nobody has any answers for them.
1000 people surveyed.
This a meaningless number of both gen z and zoomers?
Statistically, you can get to a margin of error of a couple of percent with that sample size. That's good enough for political surveys, and that kind of sample size is a common one for polls of this sort.
No offense but I don't think you know more than Pew research when it comes to polling sample sizes and whether or not they are representative of the larger demographic.
I would focus more on what we can do about it and less on burying our heads in the sand
It's a poll, not a census.
God fucking damnit young voters - you're supposed to be smarter than us.
I mean a lot of young voters just do what their parents say.
I logged back in to my old Facebook about three years ago for the first time since my freshman year of college. My stated political identity was libertarian and I had a quote defending George W. Bush (relevant for the time period).
I didn’t remember how much I was just regurgitating what my dad said, but it was astounding. For context, I’ve been a leftist for at least the last decade and have very few positive things to say about W (at least he’s quiet now).
Yea, don't - learning from previous generations is important but in an ideal world each generation is greater than the last... they learn the important shit and add their own knowledge.
Astoundingly, it seems like Boomers have unlearned nazi=bad - we need to do better humanity - we need to do better.
Not to mention learning about reality is banned in schools now.
I think a big factor (maybe even the biggest one) here is that people seem to overwhelmingly be voting AGAINST something/someone instead of FOR something/someone. In the US it's made even worse, because people were brainwashed into believing they only have two choices, so if they're against choice A it automatically means they must vote for choice B, warts and all, because otherwise their vote us "wasted" (which is not even remotely true or accurate, but that's another story).
I don't know if there's a way to even fix it anymore, because the polarization and tribalization of societies went so far it is scary. But hey, Biden supports Israel, so let's vote for Trump instead. Because he will clearly not support Israel, he will immediately stop selling bombs to them and he'll bring peace to the region, right? Sigh...
which is not even remotely true or accurate, but that's another story
Why do you say that? My understanding is that "only two choices" is true and accurate because of how the electoral college works.