Sandwich Heretic
Sandwich Heretic
link to (paywalled) source: I Was a Heretic at The New York Times
Sandwich Heretic
link to (paywalled) source: I Was a Heretic at The New York Times
"I got owned because I reflexively lied" is a great way to start an article. Builds a lot of confidence in the narrator.
Definitely did not shrink into a corncob, not a loser
Even if this was real, which it wasn't, mentioning a fancy and expensive sandwich is probably not gonna be a problem just as long as you talk about what you love about the sandwich rather than how expensive it is.
It's journalism anyways, people are gonna be used to having to hang out with rich assholes.
Also took a look at the article itself and he thinks doing right wing whataboutism and "this superficially sounds like this other thing" type shit was brave internal truthtelling at NYT.
I'm worried the writers at the New York Times, who all live in the most expensive city in the US, would judge me for liking an expensive sandwich.
Even when this guy makes shit up he still comes off like a dipshit.
People started snapping their fingers in acclamation.
Fuck Chick-fIl-A but if this happened to me I would walk out and never come back. Absolutely caucasian behavior
Was at a DSA meeting where one of the guys snapped his fingers as applause and all I could think was "Weird".
I do like the fucking Atlantic doing "NYT Too Woke for Chicken Sandwich!" within two sentences of a guy leading in with "I bet this pack of poors doesn't know how to appreciate a $19 Salmon Bagel".
Dude should have been pitched off the side of the fucking building.
Crustacean behavior
There are inception-level layers of internalized antisemitism here.
-my actual favorite sandwich is too Jewish
“We don’t do that here. They hate gay people.”
So does the NYT. If you make up a story about how you got scolded because you came off as a bigot because you lied to avoid coming off as a nepo baby, at least pick a minority the NYT cares about, like landlords or secretaries of defense.
i believe the nyt has lots of people who care about appearing homophobic as long as it doesn't actually require they stop running right wing screeds about removed
but also this guy for sure thinks the nyt is a super lefty institution and made this up because of that
NYT and WaPo always publish opeds by conservative ghouls but never from any leftists. Curious
I often found myself asking questions like “Doesn’t all of this talk of ‘voter suppression’ on the left sound similar to charges of ‘voter fraud’ on the right?” only to realize how unwelcome such questions were.
These things that happen are the same
I had one more task to take care of. Cotton’s office had emailed me several photos that they wanted to see published alongside the op-ed, showing times when the same legal doctrine had been invoked in the past. One was of U.S. troops enforcing the desegregation of the University of Mississippi in 1962. I sent these to a photo editor, Jeffrey Henson Scales, and asked him to “consider” them. He wrote me back to say, “A false equivalence, but historical images are there now,” meaning he’d added them to the story file in the system. I thanked him and added a “confusion” emoji, in case he wanted to expand on what he meant. He replied by sending me the emoji of a black box, representing solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.
OMG this man is a dumbass
Him as he sent over photos of forced desegregation
You want to bring up an issue, yet it sounds superficially similar to a completely different one. These things must be the same. Curious!
"Of course $19 is very expensive for a sandwich, so I only get it as a special treat."
There, I just fixed your problem without you having to endorse the homophobic chicken.
Even better, there's nothing saying he had to fucking name a place he got his sandwiches from
He could've been like "yeah I love me a fish sandwich" (I looked it up and fuck does this Super Heebster sound kinda awful) and if anyone asked him to elaborate he could've specified like a tuna salad or something
But nah this guy is so American treat brained he had to specifically name a place and sandwich name
I looked it up and fuck does this Super Heebster sound kinda awful)
This prompted me to look it up and it sounds amazing to me tbh. In fact, everything from this place looks great and now I want to go. But yeah, he can just say he likes smoked fish bagel sandwiches from Jewish delis and probably everyone in that room would get it.
also, this was specifically "favorite" and not "the one i get all the time". Some of my favorite food is expensive too, but I'm not shelling out 20 bucks for a sandwhich every day.
Ah yes what do the poors love to eat? Not the $19 sandwich from Bourgeois Food And Sons
Damn.. I didn't realize Chick-Fil-A was actually cheaper than McDonald's now.
That sandwich name sounds like an ethnic slur
So it actually is. The actual name of the original sandwich was the Heeb, which is a reclaimed slur for Jews.
Going to make a specialty high quality Reuben sandwich and name it the Hard R
Love the idea of being snapped at like I was on the wrong side of the street in West Side Story
Americans be like:
Oh yeah my favourite sandwich is the Chick-fil-A™ Spicy Pollo Surprise instead of just saying "spicy chicken sandwich"
Absolutely deranged.
"Waiter, could I please get some Hellmann's™ brand Real Mayonnaise and Grey Poupon™ brand Dijon mustard to go on my Tyson Foods® brand chicken sandwich and a glass of Minute Maid™ orange juice?"
Like you don't have to specify what chain your BLT comes from to give off the "I like bacon, lettuce and tomato together on bread" message across to someone.
Cyberpunk genre is not a parody, it is an observation of America
Brains broken by generations of corporate propaganda.
My man is actively trying to become a Chapo reading series
If this happened when Chick-fil-A first got called out for this shit, I'd believe it. Libs were falling head over heels about how they didn't eat there. For like 3 months.
Yeah, getting side eyes from libs about lib culture war stuff is believable, as is the "people aren't friends yet so they might not give you the benefit of the doubt" part.
Less believable is the HR person scolding you for naming a fast food sandwich, and the guy makes it clear he's an idiot elsewhere anyway.
Yeah, once I realized they were a right winger complaining about working at the NYT, I didn't see a reason bother reading the rest. OH, no, people didn't like my version of Virtue Signaling even though we're all capitalists!
I brushed off my discomfort about the office politics and focused on work. Our mandate was to present readers with “intelligent discussion from all shades of opinion,” as the Times’ founder, Adolph Ochs, put it in 1896.
Then I went on to write a long ass article about it in the Atlantic.
The New York Times does fun little introduction games with candy and storytime about sandwiches because it's an adult daycare facility for people who've never had a single obstacle in their entire lives
this never happened. i am prepared to believe a lot about the nyt (especially them being rank hypocrites who care a lot about the appearance of being bigoted but not any actual material harm done) but i disbelieve any anecdote by an atlantic writer sight unseen
Every liberal on the planet would have said "Oh I love them too!" and then there's about a 10% chance they would have followed up with "It's too bad about their CEO, but oh well what can you do."
i 100% believe your average liberal thinks it is worse to eat at chick fil a than to constantly platform bigots and be complicit in genocide
My Uncle actually works as a journalist for NYT (not joking), and he can confirm that this definitely happened (joking)
Remember when being a heretic was badass and you risked excruciating death by the sickest fucks to ever live? Now you just have to be a boogie dumbass and lie about a shitty fast food preference. Return to tradition.
Looks like rats fleeing a sinking ship
How the fuck does a sandwich cost 19 American dollars?
Food prices in New York are completely out of control. Seriously. A fucking street dog is $5 now
"Trendy" restaurants in areas full of rich people with more money than sense like Silicon Valley or NYC would be my guess.
At that price I'm thinking a high quality footlong Cheesesteak (half that for a low quality one that tastes the same but gives you diarrhea).
Was going to make a Westside story joke here, but I was beaten to it.
I think this story is a perfect example of lib praxis though. They said the bad thing, and were corrected, like a child. No punishment or investigation, just "don't say the bad words."
This could've led to a discussion about how awful people can sometimes still produce quality or popular products, and how empty "culture war" virtue signalling doesn't actually do anything useful. All of the "we shall not speak the Voldemort name of the homophobic chicken sandwich restaurant." stuff has failed to cause any sort of change, the company is still around, and still homophobic.
But such a discussion would require self-awareness and analytical skills, and none of these people would've landed their job at the New Yorker if they had those.
Libs doesn't want to end suffering and evil, that would just upset the norms and the status quo. Instead they want to bear witness to it and tell themselves and eachother that they are against it. That is why they think it is meaningful to react to someone liking a sandwich made by someone employed by someone taking a franchise from someone who is a raging homophobe.
If it's a thing that actually happened - why didn't everybody cheer at the end?
the 'everyone snapped' for the HR woke scold has the same energy
I didn't know the NYTimes wrote AITA posts on reddit
And then they started circling, shrieking, tearing bits of my flesh piece by piece, throwing their heads back and swallowing like birds
Not the politics, the chicken
No, I meant I don't like the homophobia, just when the sentient beings are killed for my tasty treat 😋
meat on sandwich
Into the gulag he goes
$19 for a decent sandwich at a restaurant is not all that crazy, especially for someone in NYC who *works for the "paper of record".
Heck even Panera's menu is mostly above $12 these days.
EDIT: I looked it up, and the exact same sandwich was $10.50 in 2010.
Also $19 is understandable for a "favorite sandwich" just not an "I eat this everyday" sandwich.
My favorite local sub is like $16 and I'll get it like once a week as a treat.
These are the people who tell you that you don't deserve a living wage and that inflation is just in your head.
Immediately after the orientation, the other new hires and I were tasked with editing articles for spelling and grammar which were written by senior writers who support the annihilation of Palestine.
I was later chastised by HR for being Islamophobic for asking my boss if he’s eaten breakfast since it was during Ramadan. Neither of us were Muslim.
People started snapping their fingers in acclamation
What is this, a freestyle poetry recital?
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: