Nash speaks further on attending Sting’s last match
Nash speaks further on attending Sting’s last match
On the latest "Kliq This" podcast, Kevin Nash said he is not on WWE payroll and cleared up what he said last week on why he won’t be at Sting’s last match. Nash previously stated that Sting invited him to be there but Nash couldn't go because of his affiliation with WWE.
“I never said that (that I was on the WWE payroll)," Nash said. "What I said is I’m a WWE guy. I can’t have a picture of me in the crowd and underneath it says, ‘Is all Elite.’ I just can’t have that. It just doesn’t work. One of my closest fuing friends is Paul Levesque. As much as I love Steve and I know he will only have one last match, I will watch it. We will talk about it. I haven’t been to a WrestleMania, a RAW, a SmackDown, or any of the other pay-per-views. I haven’t been to any events. I don’t want to go to any place and be around a bunch of people, let alone wrestling people. I just don’t want to do it. I’m a hermit and that’s it.”
Kevin Nash’s co-host said, “I thought a couple weeks ago that the ‘Cody Crazies’, that it was genuine. Now I think they’re loving Rock as a heel.”
Nash responded, “That’s why I said all along the money is Dwayne in any form or fashion. If Babe Ruth, if you can get him to come back in a time machine and play for the Yankees, he would be the most over motherfuer on the Yankees squad. He’s Babe Ruth. When you’re a shell of yourself and you were a superstar, that’s one thing. Like, even John Cena is much smaller and he’s losing his hair. He’s showing age. Rock is like Yule Brenner. Every time I see ‘The Ten Commandments’ and Yul Brenner is walking around, I’m like The Rock stole his sht from Yul Brenner.”