Dysfunctional Laws
Dysfunctional Laws
After a Safe2Tell tip came in, two administrators saved images on a secure school server in Brush. Cops and the DA say it violated porn possession laws.
The young woman was 17 and she took the racy photos herself and consensually distributed them to some friends.
All indicators are that it was no big deal to her, to her friends, or even to her parents, who didn't want a federal case made out of it. https://coloradosun.com/2022/08/11/brush-colorado-school-sexting-child-porn/
The young woman is not pissed off at the principal who made a copy of the pics and stored them on a secure school server.
It was not a big deal to her.
The GIANT PROBLEM here was caused only by the effort to "protect" her.
The principal is facing 12 years in prison, and life on the sex offender registry.
I have no idea why the young woman herself was not charged with distributing child porn. She was not 18 when those pics were taken.
We desperately need to lower the age of majority to 16.
We must start to #RespectYoungAdults