How to quickly get fleas or other bugs out of items you can't wash in hot water: leave them in the back seat of your car in 90° weather for the day. Fleas don't like that much more than dogs or babies
Anyway my patient had bedbugs how'd y'all's weekend go?
(Works best for fleas since they're usually a summer pest, when that 90° weather is avaliable, but works for other things if the opportunity arises.
I wouldn't want to invite bedbugs into my car even if the temp should crest the ~125°F needed to kill the eggs. I'd go to a laundromat and throw it in the dryer and run it several times
apparently it's practically impossible for me to catch bedbugs from a patient as a nurse. I can't do my shoes in the dryer like that. I also couldn't have done my leather jacket like that when my roomates caught me some fleas. Hot car is a fab solution in certain specific situations.