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  • I've got my greenhouse control setup with fun statistics in Home Assistant.

    It's still getting dark early, so I can see it lit up from the house.

    Sometimes I feel I'm standing in front of the window watching the plant babies a little too much.

  • Great setup! It feels so good to have a such a big head-start on the growing season!

    You'll be feeling extra great when it comes time to plant in the ground and your starts are further along than anything you could have purchased or grown from seed right when the season starts.

    Post progress pics later!

  • Great stuff! Season extension is such clutch infrastructure to have and I'm glad it's paying off for you already! Keep in mind that nurseries in your area might be updating their greenhouse poly and their offcuts are an inexpensive way to increase the area you've got under cover (and a good way to reduce the footprint of your expansion).

    We planted a bunch of garlic and perennial onions last fall, and have maybe thirty pounds of potatoes to plant once the soil becomes workable. Saved seeds from our tomatoes last year, so a mix of six varieties to work with. Planning to do much more winter squash and pumpkin this year, as well as diversifying our annual greens like lettuces and spinach. Hundreds, possibly thousands of perennial seeds have been stratifying in containers and air prune boxes over winter, and there are a few hundred cuttings and seedlings from last year that are heeled in and waiting to be potted or transplanted in another month or two.

    • I had everything inside last year and it started getting a little crazy! I like your greenhouse poly offcut idea, I'll have to check and see....

      I'm growing my second generation of garlic, tomatoes, and jalapenos with seeds from last years harvest. The garlic is doing great which makes me very happy!