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immich update has breaking changes Release v1.95.0 · immich-app/immich

v1.95.0 Warning ⚠️ Breaking Changes ⚠️ 1. Upgrade to stable version 0.2.0 for enhanced search Step 1: Change the docker-compose.yml database image from 0.1.11 to 0.2.0 [...] database...

Release v1.95.0 · immich-app/immich
  • Good share. I saw the nudge in the mobile app, but I didn't realize there was breaking changes and upgraded in the middle of the night before bed (what the hell was I thinking???). Spent a good extra hour trying to figure out why.

    Key take away, the version needs to be upgraded. If you are using docker, update the docker-compose.yml. If you're not, upgrade your version first. 🙏

  • I'm using the Immich app from TrueNAS, how do I properly update it? Or is it being taken care off by TrueNAS?

    Edit: I asked on the TrueNAS discord for help and someone who already updated their Immich figured out how to fix the installation afterwards. I copy&paste the guide here:

    This guide assumes that Heavyscript is installed and pgAdmin.

    • Upgrade Immich to v.1.95.1.
    • If Immich fails to deploy check the logs heavyscript pod --logs immich. If the logs complain that indexes need to be deleted continue with this guide.
    • Access the shell for the postgres pod heavyscript pod -s immich.
    • Select the postgres pod.
    • Inside the pod run env and record the password. Then type exit to exit the pod.
    • Get the DNS address and port for Immich postgres pod. heavyscript dns -a
    • Launch pgAdmin and right-click on Servers select Register > Server.
    • In the Connection tab put the hostname and port from step 6. The username is immich and use the password from step 3.
    • Once connected create a backup by expanding Servers > Immich > Databases and right-click on immich then select Backup.... Follow the prompts to create a backup.
    • Right-click on immich and select Query Tool.
    • Use the following query to delete your indexes.
        FROM pg_index X JOIN
             pg_class I ON I.oid = X.indexrelid JOIN
             pg_am A ON A.oid = I.relam
        WHERE A.amname = 'vectors';
    • Stop Immich with heavyscript heavyscript app --stop immich.
    • Once all pods have scaled down start Immich heavyscript app --start immich.

    The SQL query will complain about a syntax error but it will work regardless. It just takes some time to redeploy immich.

    Credit goes to @verbalsiegeengine on Discord

  • Cool - was trying to get set up with v1.94, but had real trouble getting pgvecto-rs to work properly, pgvector seems much more stable and better supported and was a breeze to get running

  • Fuck... late for me. Thanks watchtower... wonder if this means an update will fix it or it's just dead and needs manual intervention