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  • Due to the increased acceptance of non-conforming identities, it's become more prevalent to either ask for pronouns, tell them to a person you meet, or have them somewhere visible in things like gameshows.

    That's quite as silly to me as this whole "what gender is this washing machine" nonsense is to English-speaking people.

    Here in Finland, we don't have gendered language. Even with third person pronouns, we usually default to "it" instead of "him/her/they". Except for pets. They always get the proper pronoun "hän". It's just respectful.

    So yeah, just like the English wonder why they have to learn different words for something needlessly gendered in France, I too, as a Finn, wonder why I have to learn different words for something needlessly gendered in English.

  • Spanish enters the room: words have gender, but there are special cases where the definite article switches gender.

    "El hacha roja/Las hachas rojas", "El agua fría/Las aguas frías"

    Also, some words may have both genders:

    "El computador/La computadora"

  • I'll help you.

    The word "machine" in French is... "machine", yeah it's spelled exactly the same. Just pronounce it a lot more like French (stress falls on the 1st syllable instead of the 2nd). Oh, and it's feminine, which gives you "une machine".

    Washing in French is "laver". In French, there's this thing called "complément de nom", where you add a noun to another noun to make a compound noun. However, there must be a preposition in between, and each compound noun has its own preposition, which means, you gotta learn them by heart (like the phrasal verbs in English except the meaning is actually related to the word).

    In the case of this word, you'd use the preposition "à". You will end up with "une machine à laver", which translates literally to "a machine to wash".

    Yeah, languages are complicated.

  • It's a thing in many languages. My first language has it too and it's not hard to speak it (though I still make a lot of mistakes lol) because if you're a native, you just remember the gender of every single word. But English is still undoubtedly much much easier to learn

  • Changing genders, when not speaking about a gender, is antiquated and should be removed from language rules.
    In Thai men use different words than women. Men use Krub, women use Ka/kha, to end a sentence.
    In Russia the wife has a different last name than the husband. Like, Igor Sechin, Yulia Sechina.

    • In Russia the wife has a different last name than the husband. Like, Igor Sechin, Yulia Sechina.

      Also when the subject of a sentence is female, the verb sometimes has a female form.

      For example
      He went / Он шол
      She went / Она шла

    • The Russian thing is the same in Czech, it's actually set in law iirc. Also for some random reason when people talk in past tense you're able to tell the gender of the speaker

  • Yet the English speaking countries are the one pushing for a far-left gender ideology that is centered around "gender neutral" language and other crap. lol