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Stacks for Simple Static Sites Stacks for Simple Static Sites

Wouldn't it be great if you could type out an article on your computer, push a couple of buttons, and have it appear on the web? No clunky page builders, no admin logins, and no mandatory updates. With the right setup for your website, this is possible. I wrote about …

Stacks for Simple Static Sites

Hey, just wanted to drop this here. It's a technical follow-up to The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Static Sites which was reasonably popular, and explains the components of a static site's stack.

  • For this reason I'm building my own generator in Common Lisp, leveraging cl-who and parenscript. All components are descibed in one place and render as web components, which allows me to attach dynamic behaviors easily.

    This works great for business-card style sites, deployed to netlify.

    • Another cool thing I realized - you avoid the chance of some framework updating under you and breaking everything. It's a bit like pdf, it gets fixed and generally untouched.