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Luchablog and RobViper call out Konnan for sending in the Penta/AEW/CMLL story to WON


The source for the Penta/AEW/CMLL story is left uncredited; it does not appear to be Penta itself. It makes the entire story read differently if it is indeed the booker for AAA arguing that AEW needs to stop using CMLL guys, which is a problem with anonymous sourcing. Konnan may not have done it purely for AAA/CMLL reasons – Penta is his guy, he’s sticking up for him – but it’s part of the story if it is him. In the past, whenever a story like this crops up in the WON, Konnan says the same story using many of the same words on his (previously recorded) podcast in the next few days. I guess we’ll know if that sequence happens again.

Robviper was more detailed on twitter:

The AEW/CMLL/AAA bit in the WON fascinates me solely b/c of the usage of the word 'disrespectful'. Straight from Konnan's vernacular. At that point you may as well just open source the comment if it's gonna be that transparent.

Tell me this - was it 'disrespectful' when AAA hid the fact they were not only in bed w/ WWE but also knowingly booked FTR, on loan from supposed partner company AEW, to lose to a WWE contracted wrestler?

(Fun fact: CMLL in one day alone (yesterday) sold 3x more tickets than AAA did for that event which was the first collaboration with a local promoter. They ran one more show in Acapulco that drew even worse with current AAA mega star Alberto on top & the promoter bailed on AAA.)

To be clear, that event = AAA's TV taping in Acapulco, where Dragon Lee and Dralistico defeated FTR for the AAA World Tag Team titles. Show drew poorly. Per luchablog, "It was a big stadium, AAA didn’t sell 2/3rds of it, and struggled to settle the rest. Maybe the financial loss wasn’t as bad as it seemed, since the local promoter is also the building owner, but it came off as a failure."

Back to RobViper:

But back to the word 'disrespectful' - at the last Impact taping I attended I spent the latter half chatting with Taurus who was booked but not given a match for either day. Not the first or second time that happened. Where was the blind item in the WON about that?

Any guesses on who was the person behind the funnelling of Taurus to Impact?


Anyone know what match Laredo Kid is booked for next weekend? Surely Konnan wouldn't allow his own talent to be 'disrespected' & brought in just to work Xplosion tapings.

Just see through this for what it is... Konnan is very upset at the political lay of the land right now - mainly his non-involvement - so he's trying to cause drama. 💯

If Penta felt 'disrespected', that's a private issue between him & Tony, not one he would run to tell the WON.

The cherry on top, you can find a tweet from Konnan, which is very clearly him seething about the AEW and CMLL working together:

Its really unfortunate when politics override talent in the biz....

Type-up courtesy of reloco93 on /r/SQ