Ron DeSantis Proposes Unprovoked War on Mexico
Ron DeSantis Proposes Unprovoked War on Mexico

He’s the latest of many Republican imperialists to endorse another war of aggression.

Ron DeSantis Proposes Unprovoked War on Mexico
He’s the latest of many Republican imperialists to endorse another war of aggression.
When asked in an interview how drone operators would know if the people being blown to smithereens were actually carrying drugs, he replied: “Same way a police officer would know … Same way somebody operating in Iraq would know. You know, these people in Iraq at the time, they all looked the same. You didn’t know who had a bomb strapped to them. So those guys have to make judgments.”
Holy F, as a mexican that crosses the border often for vacations... this is extreme and scary
Picking two examples where the operator is often wrong, and very publicly so
Next time you cross just carry an ir strobe and IFF NATO friendly panel on your hood. Should be good to go.
How about a new rule that if you vote for a war, you are automatically enlisted. And if you're ineligible to enlist you must either abstain or vote no.
Congress members get as many votes for war as they have draft-age family members. For each vote they cast, they must enlist 1 family member. Starting with their own children.
Nah just ship the congressmen/women off with the infantry. Then they can see exactly what they're voting for.
As if someone like Trump would even give a second thought to sending his kids off to war?
I see an obvious exploit with this: congress members enlisting family members who would rather vote 'No' just so they can get more votes for their own choice.
You might think "nobody would enlist their child to fight a war that they're against" but I promise you, there are people like that.
We basically had that a century ago, before the nobility moved behind the scenes and became the 1%
Unqualified scions were sent to the battlefield to gain military merits, which was generally bad for everyone. I'm pretty sure it only really stopped after WWI, when the death toll from combat started getting ridiculous
many have already gladly voted yes for both many times. I don’t think that will stop enough of them.
Smedley Butler solved this issue back in the 1920's, change the vote from Congress to eligible draftees to solve us going to war for stupid reasons.
Then during times of war, lock down every individual's income and ability to earn money to that of the soldier. Keeping war profiteering from stretching wars on indefinitely.
It's radical, but would probably keep us from just "being at war" eternally. A reality we have had to live in since at least 9/11.
The problem these "add a meta policy" proposals all have in common is that they assume we have any control over the legislature... which we don't have; they don't work for us at all. At this point only organizing and other direct action will have any significant impact on actual policy.
In this particular case, legislators would continue to receive bribe income that they refuse to acknowledge as bribery.
The problem is the us hasn’t had a formal declaration of war since WW2. Basically we’ve just had military engagements. Some haven’t even been authorized by congress.
Basically we’d need to fix that issue before worrying about the other suggestions. Else it’d just be military engagement not a war so don’t need to fallow them.
You can be against war without thinking you'll end war.
Unfortunately he was a Lieutenant commander in the Navy. Going back probably doesn’t concern him.
This is literal insanity.
Are they going to put Mexican Americans in internment camps next?
The United States already runs multiple concentration camps on the border.
Sorry but they're called 'Migration Storage Facilities' not Concentration camps by the trustworthy newspaper The New York Times. This obviously means they're not concentration camps.
Yes. That is 100% the end point of this.
Unfortunately, not the end
Probably not this time, a big part of why Japanese-Americans were put into interment camps was because Californians wanted their farms.
I'd never considered this, but of course it came down to economics- weird how often massive crimes against humanity come down to some bourgeois thief wanting to take more for themselves and willing to do anything to do it.
Just did a little reading on it, they stole 400 million (1942) dollars worth of farmland from Japanese-Americans, which is like 7 billion adjusted for inflation, and basically just gave them to agribusiness corporations.
No, but the risk of deportation is probably going to increase, including for citizens
Probably the plan.
Next? They've already done it with ICE detention centers
Not to mention deported American citizens fairly frequently, since they assume any brown person who doesn't have their license on them at the moment is illegally in the country.
Idk if you meant it as hyperbole... But yes, yes, he is sick enough to try that. And a sliver of even bigger morons would/will vote for him.
They've already got concentration camps full of south and central Americans all over the country.
Slightly misleading, he says that they should shoot at mexican cartels (which are now federally recognised as terrorist organisations) who are using planes and boats to smuggle drugs.
He’s still a price of shit who wants to eliminate rights though, but it’s always important to get the facts right.
He is saying that he would use American military equipment and possibly send troops to kill people who look like drug smugglers on Mexican soil, which is an act of war.
C'mon, let these people just read the headline and dont ruin everything with little bit of facts!
price of shit=0=DeSantis...still correct...move on
Sending military into another country to kill people is starting an unprovoked war
The US has been waging unprovoked war on Latin America since before WW1.
The only thing new about this is that this irredeemable piece of garbage is stating the quiet part out loud.
This cunt talks about Iraq like he did something there. He was a fucking lawyer 😂.
Posing as a human rights lawyer and illegally aiding in the torture of POWs at Guantanamo is the best way of forming a valid opinion on Iraq!
didn't he torture people in gitmo?
Wasn't he the lawyer in charge of coming up with legalese to justify torturing people?
Well, he did use his position to gain the trust of gunatanamo prisoners and when they told him what was particularly stressful to them, he passed that info on to make conditions worse for them. Like, a prisoner would tell him "we usually pick the vegetarian option because we think the meat here isn't halal" and a week later, no more vegetarian food option. Things like that. There's also a pretty harrowing account of how he oversaw hunger-striking prisoners being force-fed. People screaming and throwing up and shitting themselves in agony and he stood next to that and laughed. I honestly believe that if he didn't join the navy to live out his murderous sadism, he'd be a serial killer with a collection of human body parts in his basement. Guy's a complete fucking monster.
Bruh you've gotta use vague signals and let the think tanks work with journalists to manufacture consent first.
Yeah, DeSantis should be good at this, sadly...
I'm way more worried about this Facist than trump.
It continues to amaze me how dumb half of America is.
Truly don't think it's half. It's just the way our elections and voting works. Every the stupid minority has a loud voice when we weigh votes instead of simply going for popular votes overall.
I like your optimisms.
Psychopathic, how can a politician like this have any popular support
It's DeSantis, so he basically doesn't.
Same as any strongman leader. Talking tough reliably gets votes from a certain type of voter, even if what is proposed is utterly insane.
Because some people are also psychopaths or who prefer authoritarian leadership.
If your analysis stops at "some people [enough to sway some elections] are just born wrong and are bad people," it isn't a very good analysis.
The problem isn't that people are "psychpaths", it is that they live in an environment where they are told that Hispanic people are a threat, that caravans are "invading" the US to pillage it, and that an invasion like meatball Ron here is proposing would effectively be a counteroffensive.
The people who support him don't know he said this.. They literally don't know shit about these people and only watch Fox news which wont air this
Nothing is more American than invading other countries and murdering their people.
*English. Ftfy
Dude is trying so hard to appeal to Trump's base, but it isn't working.
Trump is a full blown cult of personality at this point, no one else will do. Maybe that's a good thing since he doesn't seem to have much time left.
Was really hoping that link was to the living color video
There's a good chance his legacy will be even more dangerous.
Should have changed his name like Pfrumps Grandpappy.
Certain groups in the US have been building up to this for a while. They genuinely do want a war with Mexico. They've been trying to use drugs as an excuse to do it.
Here is an excellent video going into this when it all started to get quite serious and AMLO (mexican president) started to aggressively fight back against it:
He's also called the american media sphere trying to build up to this fascistic "hitlerismo", comparing american media to goebbels.
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Does the "Presidents approval rating increase during wartime" thing occur if you just loudly state "I'm gonna do a war if elected"?
Historically you have to campaign as being against the war but then promptly set about the business of creating a war once in office
Remember when Trump said in order to win the war against ISIS you also need to "take out their families"?
No, it doesn't always happen. Look to 2016 as an example. One of the talking points of Trump's campaign was that Clinton would lead the U.S. to war with Russia.
Anecdotally, after the election, I was talking with a Trump voter who mentioned that Trump prevented us from going to war with Russia. Which fucking surprised me, considering conservatives are so fucking hawkish, and I did not know that idea was tossed around in conservative circles as a talking point.
So no, many elections in the U.S. have been won by candidates that back isolationist policies (primarily WWI and WWII as an example). It's all inherently political and can take a very populist tone.
Before Trump they’d have loved war with Russia. It was them following the typical conservative “we all believe this now” rhetoric that changed that. Now Putin is a great example of an orthodox Christian and he’s doing great things for his country.
He heard they had pudding
Edit: apparently I'm a Russian bot lmfao
that’s probably a lot of sugar
Did someone say
Mmm humgwy!
Can we keep Russian memes out of politics please? it's such a load of bullshit, it contributes nothing to the discussion and memes have been pushing propaganda since the first trump election. I really wish we (, but really everyone) would defederate from hexbear, it's such a cesspool
Yo for real tho what are you talkin about? Is this russian meme?
Can we keep Russian memes out of politics please?
What's wrong with Russian memes lmao
Are you scared of their memes?
this has to be a bit
if it isnt, fresh pasta
Maube russia sjpuldnt br funny then, how about tjat finnyman?????????
Before anyone calls this hyperbole:
Ron DeSantis recently suggested that he would be open to ordering drone strikes on Mexican drug cartels and migrants, whom he accused of carrying drugs over the border. “We’re authorizing deadly force. They try to break into our country? They will end up stone-cold dead,” he said, and he’s not alone. Trump, Reps. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) and Mike Walsh (R-FL), Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), and Trump’s former deputy secretary of homeland security Ken Cuccinelli have all proposed various military actions in Mexico, up to and including sending in ground troops.
He gets off on cruelty. I guess his time inflicting suffering at Guantanamo wasn't enough, though.
DeSantis is trying to run to the right of trump. Recall that trump began his 2016 campaign by saying
”When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”
I suppose advocating for war crimes is one way to campaign to the right of trump on border security.
Granted trump also campaigned by calling for war crimes back in 2016, so this isn’t entirely novel for a GOP presidential candidate:
But on the other hand, DeSantis was a navy lawyer at Guantanamo tasked with making sure the soldiers followed the law. And we know how well that went.
In summary, when it comes to their policy on war crimes among the top republican candidates for president, Trump talks a big game but DeSantis has the actual experience to back up his “promises”.
The fact that I could quickly write up this analysis with sources is a damning indictment of these candidates, their supporters, and their enabling political party. What a fuckin’ shitshow.
And to think somebody can be such a fucking idiot that they make Trump look almost normal. Is this some sort of trick like in France, where Zemmour's antics were used to make LePen more palatable? Looks like it.
And they think Mexico will just be ok with us drone striking homes that these idiots think are cartel hideouts? These racists fucks would glass all of Mexico claiming anyone brown is cartel
They would relish Mexico trying to defend its sovereignty as a chance to destroy another country and show the world how big their ego is.
The libs are pro war for aiding Ukraine, but in the same breath...?
Russia and their ilk are the only ones that are pro war in Ukraine. Libs are pro Ukraine, which involves defending them from the Russian invasion. If at anytime, Russia agreed to (and actually did it) pull all troops including the land they stole, almost all libs would be happy.
On the flip side, DeSantis wants to start a war and be the aggressor. Support of that is fucked up and deranged, which is why a large number of conservatives support it.
Are you honestly that confused? Do you really think this is some kind of gotcha?
Russia invaded their smaller neighbor for a made up reason.
DeSantis is suggesting invading our smaller neighbor for an equally made up reason.
We don't like either scenario. I would be just as supportive of Mexico getting military aide from other nations as I am about Ukraine getting military aide from other nations.
the guy decided to run against a religious icon, and now he's eating so much shit it's incredible
you can't convince me the Mormons won't deify Donald Trump centuries after they are the only american group to survive the climate wars. his hair is the same color as their golden tablets that aren't real.
Apparently some Evangelicans are already abandoning Jesus for being a wimp and a liberal.
He already has, it's called Christianity by its practitioners.
Could cause some confusion, I know it's re-using a name still in use by a smallish group of outliers.
This is why Trump will win. Trump maybe dumb, but he's not that stupid to go around telling peoples he gonna invade this and that.
Trump made Hillary eat so much shit over the Iraq War, and here you've got Ronny saying he wants to jumpstart the greatest refugee crisis in the world right at the border.
Why do you think your base wants a wall, Ron?
"The Secure Fence Act of 2006, which called for construction of 700 miles of fencing and enhanced surveillance technology, such as unmanned drones, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage and cameras. Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush."
Also Biden voted for it incase you don't want to check the link
I assume you mean win the nomination, not the presidency. He will because he has his cult and whatever Republicans there were that didn't like his criminal antics were turned off by DeSantis trying to out-Trump Trump.
The two biggest things we could do to curb the cartels in Mexico there is absolutely no political appetite for.
First we need a real federal gun registry database to start drying up the influx of weapons. Almost every gun in Mexico came from the US, almost half of the trace requests come up blank because these forms are all filed on paper in a warehouse that they aren't even allowed to index properly. The most nauseating thing is the gun Industry is in on it... don't believe me? Look up (38 Super El Presidente model).
Second we need to legalize drugs. You can make it so it needs to be bought through a doctor and or psychiatrist, but make all that shit pennies on the dollar. Weed revenue might have dried up, but a significant portion of the rest of their revenue comes from harder drugs.
Almost every gun in Mexico came from the US
Absolutely untrue, at least in the way that you most likely mean it. The cartels aren't getting things like M16s and 50 Caliber Automatics by purchasing them in the US because those things aren't for sale in the US. They do get a shit ton of Pistols and Semi-Automatic rifles by smuggling them in from the US though.
...almost half of the trace requests come up blank because these forms are all filed on paper in a warehouse that they aren’t even allowed to index properly.
Partially. According to BATFE trace data there are several things that will cause a trace request to come back "blank".
Unable to Determine a Purchaser" refers to those firearms that were manufactured in/imported into the U.S. but ATF was unable to determine the first retail purchaser through the trace process. Common reasons ATF is unable to identify a purchaser:
Incomplete firearms identifying data on the trace request form Incomplete or never received out‐of‐business federal firearms licensee records (upon discontinuance of business by a federal firearms licensee, the records shall be delivered within 30 days to ATF or other Attorney General stipulated location (Title 18 U.S.C. 923(g)(4)) Altered or obliterated firearm serial numbers The firearm is considered to be too old to trace Current federal firearms licensee records are incomplete or missing, or the federal firearms licensee was unresponsive to ATF’s request for trace information.
Which intersects with my first point in a non-obvious way. If a member of the Mexican Army leaves, especially if they desert, they often take their issued weapons with them and those weapons are often provided to the MM by the USM. Those weapons don't have a "Retail Entry Point" to trace since they basically go from the US Manufacturer directly to the US Military and from there to the Mexican Military. They also sometimes flat out sell them.
To be clear, there is a problem with North - South firearms smuggling but its not quite how you stated it.
Second we need to legalize drugs.
God Yes. The failed "War on Drugs" by the United States has been an incredible source of misery all across the world. It needs to end NOW.
You have a lot of good information that I am not going to debate about, but I wouldn't say "Absolutely untrue" as I used the modifier "almost". The majority of guns that are used in these killings do come across the border and are pistols and smaller caliber guns.
Do cartels have .50 caliber rifles and fully automatic, yes of course. But cartels aren't arming their enforcers and hit man with those type of weapons. They are hard to conceal and expensive if you lose them, and at this point most teenagers would rather be a Zeta than a cop, so they have an infinite labor pool. The M16 is often worth more than the person holding it to them. They save those for their big intra-cartel war plays and to scare the government back into submission.
If all the Mexican government had to worry about were diverted military weapons there job would be significantly easier.
That's not even getting to the discussion of how easy it is to drop an auto sear onto the back of a glock in minutes or pay someone in Mexico with a machine shop to do something similar with a lot of rifles.
Yeah THANK GOD that it'll be someone who thinks the best way to increase stability is to go to war.
Can we keep Russian memes out of politics please? it's such a load of bullshit, it contributes nothing to the discussion and memes have been pushing propaganda since the first trump election. I really wish we (, but really everyone) would defederate from hexbear, it's such a cesspool
Oh cool, this thread has more hexbear tankies to block ☺️
That's what I'm doing, I say normal things, wait, block them en masse.
This guy is just trying to out-asshole the orange king of assholes. It's so weird to see people trying to gain popularity by trying to prove how horrible they are.
As an NPA living in floriduh, ill tell you what moment in this timeline meatball ron lost the race. He went after disney...dumb rednecks hate blacks but, fucking with disney?! hell nah..if Ron goes after Chick Fil A? they'll likely mob lynch him on the spot.
but not because people like these companies
idk if it's a general trend, or just in my family - but all my hyper-conservative relatives are all huge Disney fanatics - I'm talking trips to the parks multiple times a year, Disney Cruises at least once a year, all the merch, movies, etc. Sure they whine about how "woke" the movies have gotten, but they still fucking love that damn mouse
I'll believe he lost after the votes are counted and legal battles settled.
Nah, the "anti-woke" crowd is already going after Chick Fil A. They dared to have a DEI position. The horror!
Mexico will win but okay. i hope they annex my state and i can afford to go to school & a doctor 👍
when you meme yourself, lol
Credit to the legendary I need to get back on reuploading the rest of those honestly.
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Haven't we learned our lesson about unprovoked wars after watching East Europe for the past year and a half??
@emizeko - not sure if you're a Russian troll or a poor American doing the real fascists' work for them--but I'm sorry for you my friend and hope the best for you. If you missed it in my other comments, I'm currently serving in the US military and am very confident that Western media at large is on the money, and that a novice OSINTer could refute the fanfic you posted. Best wishes.
Well we haven't learned after have a dozen unprovoked wars in the Middle East and North Africa so why would one more help?
Well shit I guess we practically have to invade now
This many people cannot have all never play Civilization. There must be someone on this god forsaken hellsite who understands what "Encirclement" means.
I'm currently serving in the US military
lmao i hope you drown
US-installed fash in Ukraine's government preparing a massive offensive against DPR & LPR after persecuting ethnic Russians and shelling Donbas for eight years killing ~16k and ignoring Minsk I & II and talking about acquiring nuclear weapons in violation of the Budapest memorandum
series continues through Feb 22nd
There is fairly public pro-Russian sentiment among Republicans and their supporters. Anything to be contrarian to what the libs are talking about, even if it's non-partisan.
Oh I'm familiar with it. My entire family operates this way. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. I joined the military due to my parents fears about Russia and China invading or some shit. Now I'm the liberal because I've actually educated myself, and here they are defending the very things they were terrified of 25 years ago just to own the libs.
I'm currently serving in the US military and am very confident that Western media at large is on the money
'thank you for your service', you say when someone describes their career pushing paper in the afghani legation quarter
I just want you to know as a member us military I hope you lose everything and end up drunk and homeless without ever being able to sleep. I'm glad that this is statistically likely.
This dude is desperate to be the most hated piece of shit in existence.
He wants to be Trump so bad - and everytime his poll numbers drop, it seems like he just tries to crank up his impersonation even more
Is this guy the best that the Republican party has to offer?
Trump is actually destroying DeSantis in the polls at 54.5% (Trump) to 14.8% (DeSantis). I have no idea how any Republican can lose to Trump. They don't even need a platform. All they have to do is go out there and call Trump out on all his bs. Point out he's failed businessman, make fun of his corny superhero NFTs, show how he sucks up to Putin, emasculate him conservative-style for wearing make-up, say that he will probably die of old age within the next 5 him a rapist! That's it. Just do it.
Most of Trump's bullshit is why they like him. You can't attack someone for things his supporters approve of.
Have you ever heard translations of Russian, especially Soviet, propaganda? The lies are absurd. They conflict with reality to the point many viewers have firsthand experiences that conflict with them. But they work, because people are trained to believe them - the unbelievable aspect of them makes them far more effective in a weird quirk of psychology
That's the real reason why you can't attack Trump from the right - he'll lie to your face and call you a hater, and his base will believe him. Doesn't matter if you have facts, doesn't matter if you're just repeating his words from last week - if you support Trump at this point, either it's convenient for you to support him or you believe him in a faith sort of way. Either way, nothing said on that stage is going to change their minds
The other aspect is that Trump is insanely charismatic. He's great at debate - without an impartial judge that can shut him down, he gets to play by different rules than everyone else on the stage
The best example of this is to read one of his speeches. You might listen to him and go "wtf is he talking about", but reading his speeches is viscerally shocking. He rambles like my grandpa did when he was having a bad day with dementia - he drifts topic to topic, rarely goes back to finish a point, and like 90% of it is just filler words.
But despite all that, people absolutely love to hear him speak. There's plenty to say about the man, but his charisma is off the charts.
Engaging him in debate is a fools errand. He will win, because he can sit up there, not make a single coherent point, come up with gradeschool nicknames, and half the country will walk away with the impression that he won the argument
Honestly yeah - I feel like to many of his competitors (especially DeSantis) are trying to emulate Trump, when really they should be going directly against him. They're scared shitless of pissing off his voters, but clearly trying to appeal to them by being Trump v2 isn't working either, so I don't see what they have to lose
"Best" is a challenging word to apply to Republican candidates these days.
this is really the natural end point of their racist rhetoric
I would think the natural end point is gas chambers. This is more like the mid point.
I would say that the end point is annihilation through labor, gas expensive.
Well, what AMLO did sounds borderline fascist. Maybe the Klan is a necessary evil? We'd better flood Mexico with weapons and then refuse to negotiate a surrender and hope that improves the situation.
This ghost in the shell adaptation looks promising
The Mexican government has also responded to these proposals with scalding outrage. As Zach Beauchamp points out at Vox, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said at a press conference that “We won’t allow it. And not only are we not going to allow it, we’re denouncing it.” Even a single drone attack would seem highly likely to end up in a direct confrontation with the Mexican military.
That's the important part of the article. It may be worth discussing whether to use the US military against drug cartels, but doing it without the full consent of the Mexican government would be batshit crazy.
I'd still call bullshit. Done attacks will be useless. People desire drugs. They'll find a way.
The problem is supply and demand. If people want to use drugs, they're going to either way. We need to make the drugs ourselves and create harm reduction centers. Attack the problem at home.
For real, if I was buying FDA regulated MDMA at Walgreens, there would be a virtually 0 percent chance of me accidentally getting addicted to fentanyl.
Well...yeah, of course. This isn't about drug use. This is about fear and hate.
It was never about the drugs.
That's how the US get Russia-levels of sanctions from every other nation. Russia would cream it's pants if the US did something so boldly stupid.
Haven't we all thought about starting an unprovoked war with Mexico when we're bored!?
I prefer unprovoked war on Saskatchewan (the rest of Canada is cool though)
Good luck with that, they'll see you coming for days.
the film Canadian Bacon is pretty interesting, it kinda anticipates the Iraq War
Republicans trying really hard to make Trump look normal.
Trump is what you get when you average all of America.
If he wants to fire the first shot, launch him across the Rio Grande with a trebuchet.
Just republican shit.
The real war is hate media memes and messages that trickle down to those obedient to voices from the clouds, electric voices these days. In the old days, books that said burning bushes gave out signals.
if you have 3 brain cells, you won't be able to channel that chud energy, so you have no hope
oh look he's trying to do the Trump thing.
I hate DeSantis as much as the next guy but cmon, this title is misleading. He said he would "drone strikes cartels," not that he wanted to go to war.
"i hate X as much as the next guy but cmon"
literal reddit bot
I'd say YOU guys (Hexbears and Lemmygradians) are bots. In fact, I'm probably talking to one right now.
The pronoun tags give it away. They're completely random. My inbox as follows:
"none/use name" - "she/her" - "ze/hir" - "they/them" - "any" - "comrade/them" - "comrade/them" - "he/him"
Jfc did Russian propagandists just put the pronouns for these bots...on shuffle? I'm not saying all of you guys are bots but it seems like the majority. Lol I wonder if there's a script I can use to shut you down.
Holy shit. How did people ever get it in their heads that drone strikes are not military incursions? Is it because there’s no humans physically entering the territory? Would you think the same thing if we were lobbing artillery shells over the border?
And how would doing either of those things without the cooperation of the Mexican government be anything other than an act of war?
I mean, I get that there is a difference between sending an armored column to occupy Juarez and a drone strike, and it’s not clear from the title which one we’re talking about, but you can’t really dispute that either of those things would be an act of war under any meaningful definition.
It’s an insane thing to say, regardless, because if you know anything about US Mexico relations you know he’s not talking about some kind of cooperative anti-cartel police action. He is in fact talking about an act of war. And a particularly stupid one at that.
Right, drone strikes have never gone wrong or been abused
Groups in the US have been working on this for quite some time. The Mexican president has condemned invasion threats from these american groups and called the american media sphere trying to build up to this fascistic, comparing american media to goebbels.
The excuse being used is cartels. But it is ultimately an invasion to force mexico into privatisation of various resources and inflict american will on them.
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once again, i have to commend you on the quality of this bit
I want to believe
Yeah right, and when Trump talked about the "bad hombres" coming over the border and bringing crime with them he was totally just talking about the bad Mexicans. This totally isn't just another American candidate for the presidency stoking racial hatred to garner votes from people who believe these things.